Vows Taken

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"Saptapadi, or the seven steps of vows is the ritual where the bride and groom take vows and promise each other to be there for one another and take rounds of the fire seven times to strengthen their bond for the seven lives" explained Rishi Garga.

Ganga came from behind and took the end of Shiva's angavastram and tied it with the end of Parvati's dupatta tightly.

"Now this knot will never loosen" Ganga commented as Shiva and Parvati stood for the ritual.

For the first three rounds, the groom went forward. He started circling the fire with Parvati following behind him. The priests chanted the mantras and the spectators started showering flowers on them. After the third round, Parvati moved to the front and Shiva started following her for the rest four rounds. This signifies that a husband and wife complete each other. Sometimes, the wife follows the husband and sometimes the husband follows the wife's path. This sense of equality is what makes a marriage prosper and it was perfectly shown by Shiva and Parvati.

After the rounds were taken, it was the time for the seven vows

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After the rounds were taken, it was the time for the seven vows. Though these vows are meant for the seven lives, Shiva and Shakti were beyond lives and yet, to teach the world, they took their vows. Flowers and a bit of water was given in their hands and they placed their hands on top of each other.

Parvati : I promise to always be by your side, in sadness and happiness.

Shiva : I will never leave you. You will always stay as half of my body. Half of my soul.

Parvati : I will always be truthful, honest and loyal to you.

Shiva : I will never look or think about any other woman other than you. You will always reside in my heart.

Parvati : I will always respect your wishes and decisions and support you.

Shiva : You will be independent to make your own choices and no matter what, I will be there for you.

Parvati : I will not let anything dismantle your honor and will never let any disrespect come your way.

Shiva : I will always protect you and your honor. I will not let anything harm you ever.

Parvati : I will forever stay by your side and help you in managing your duties.

Shiva : I will never hold you back from doing anything and will help you with the household.

Parvati : I will always love and cherish you.

Shiva : My love for you will never recide and we will be together for eternity and beyond.

Parvati : From today, I am yours and you are mine.

Shiva : From today, My heart belongs to you and your heart belongs to mine.

The beautiful vows taken by the couple touched everyone. Truly, Shiva and Shakti were the image of the perfect companionship. After the vows were done, Parvati stood in front the fire and cupped her hands. Shiva stood behind her and held her hands as Vishnu came forward and poured rice in her hands. Then she offered the rice in the fire. This happened three times. The offering of the rice ensures the couple to be blessed by Agni and to be offered happiness and prosperity in return. After that, Shiva and Parvati returned to their seat.

"Now the last ritual is the 'Sindoor daan'. The groom will put the sindoor on the bride's hair parting. The sindoor represents the women's power and fertility and it brings auspiciousness in her married life" Rishi Garga said.

Shiva was handed a 'kanke' which was usually used to measure rice and sindoor was smeared on it. Lakshmi came from behind and lifted Parvati's maang tikka. Shiva brought up his hand near to her head and applied the sindoor on her parting as some of it fell on her nose. With the sindoor applied, Parvati looked even more beautiful. Sindoor is usually the representative of Shakti as it is used in her worship, and at that moment, Parvati looked like the Goddess she was.

"The Wedding has come to an end. Now you have become husband and wife. From today, it is both of your duty to look after each other and be with other" the priests announced. Conch shells were blown and flowers were being showered on them by nature herself. The Gods were satisfied as finally the they would also be freed of their miseries. Vishnu smiled as finally Shiva was happy again and as was his sister.

Shiva helped Parvati up as they arose from their seat. Then Parvati went to her parents and touched their feet and took their blessings and they also blessed her heartily.

"Rishi Garga, you have resided as the priest of our wedding, kindly ask for any payment" Shiva said to Rishi Garga. He simply joined his hands and shook his head.

"Hey Mahadev, I could become a part in the union of you and Devi Adi Shakti, that is my greatest honor. I don't want anything else. Please always keep showering your blessings on us."

Shiva nodded. Then the newly married couple was guided inside the palace and inside a large chamber which was set up for them. They were seated on a royal seat, embedded with gold and jewels. All the Gods and devotees did their Arati and took their blessings.

"I have a gift for you two!" Lakshmi said and went behind the couple with a lotus in her hand. As she held it up, it grew large and became like an umbrella over their head.

Shiva glanced towards Parvati with adoring eyes and said, "Everyone thinks that I am beyond every illusion. Every maya. But I am indulged in maya as well. My Mahamaya's maya!"

Parvati's smile grew broader at Shiva's words as she looked back at him and their gazes stuck there which felt like forever, just like the first time they had met. The union of Shiva and Shakti which was left incomplete in the beginning had finally reached it's fruitful conclusion but there was more waiting for them in the womb of the future.

A/N : Any words for our newly wed couple???

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A/N : Any words for our newly wed couple???

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