The Lord Of Dance

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Note : From here start the wedding chapters which are going to be just romance and pure fluff. Also this chapter is pretty long but also really cute so hopefully you'll like it. Enjoy!

Parvati had finally returned home from her long sadhana. Her parents and friends were delighted to have her back. Her mother Mena couldn't have enough of hugging her and loving her. She was her beloved daughter. The entire Himalayan Kingdom was in a mood for celebration as their Princess had returned. The happiness was doubled when Parvati broke the news that Shiva had agreed to marry her. She also informed them that he would soon come to them with marriage proposal. Her parents were overjoyed. They blessed Parvati and promised her that they would agree to the marriage.

Parvati finally discarded her simple clothing and her friends were busy decorating her with royal fineries once more. Jaya was combing her hair when Vijaya spoke.

"Parvati, now you have to tell us every detail of what happened. How did Mahadev come? What did he say? How did you react?"

"Yes yes, Parvati. Tell us!" Jaya joined as well. Parvati got up from her seat and with a cheeky smile ran out of her room. Jaya and Vijaya chased after her. Parvati ran off to the garden and sat on the swing near the flower bushes, still laughing. Jaya and Vijaya ran to her and found her on the swing.

"What was this for?" Jaya asked Parvati.

"Just like that" she shrugged. Jaya and Vijaya looked at each other and sat on either side of Parvati and then began to poke her and then started tickling her.

"What.. Stop... Oh god.. Okay okay, I'll tell you everything.." Parvati tried to say, laughing uncontrollably. Both of them stopped. Parvati looked at them and smiled.

"I missed you two"

"We too!" Jaya Vijaya replied together and the three hugged each other.

Three days had passed but Shiva hadn't come yet. Parvati was getting restless. That morning, Parvati was standing by her window looking at the Kailash mountain. In her hand, she held the rudraksh bead that Shiva had given her before she came back.

"Whenever you'll miss me, look at this. I'll be there with you."

She remembered his words. She clutched the rudraksh bead in her palms and spoke to it.

"When will you come here? It's already been three days. I cannot keep my calm anymore. Or did you forget about your promise?"

Parvati was speaking on her own when Vijaya called her.

"Parvati, come down. There's a dance troupe who has come to perform for you, celebrating your return. The leader is called Nataraj. They are really special. Maharani is calling you."

Parvati immediately turned around, her eyes glistening with excitement.

"What did you say? Who has come? Nataraj! Oh my, Sakhi. Okay you go. I'll be there in a while."

Vijaya nodded and went away. Parvati looked at the rudraksh and smiled broadly.

"You finally listened to me!"

She kept the bead in it's place and ran out. She hurried down the multiple stairs untill she reached the guest room and barged in. There she saw a young man, dressed in dancer's costume siting in the room. He was surrounded by his fellow dancers. His face was calm and his eyes were lively. She immediately recognized him. It was her Shiva. He too turned towards her as she entered and stood up. They stared at each other as if they were the only ones there.

"You finally came!" Parvati said in her mind.

"Of course I did. I had promised you. How could I not?"

Shiv Shakti - The Mountains Bound Us! (Haimavati)Where stories live. Discover now