Love And Reunion

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Parvati was dejected and she sat down in front of the Shiva Linga.

"Looks like you never wanted me anyways. Now that I have lost my Siddhi as well, what will I do with this life? I know it hurts you but I will have to destroy this body of mine like before. Maybe next time, I can get your love" Parvati said. Her voice was trembling. She was hurt. In her mind, being Adi Shakti meant nothing if she couldn't get her Sadashiv. So she decided that she would give up her life. With this resolution, she got up when she heard a voice.

"Hari Om!"

Parvati turned around and saw a young man standing in front her. He was wearing saffron robes which meant that he was a sadhak like her.

"Who are you, gentleman?" She asked the man. He came towards her and smiled.

"I am a young saint, Devi. I've just started my sadhana. I was going from here when I felt the power of your tapasya so I decided to see who it was. Now imagine my surprise when I saw a young lady like you in this deep forest. Who are you?"

"Gentleman, I'm Parvati, the daughter of King Himavan and Queen Menavati" Parvati introduced herself. The young man looked to be shocked.

"Oh my Hari! That means you are a Princess. What is a Princess like you doing here? This isn't your place. What do you want that you cannot get? You are royalty."

Parvati looked at him with side eyes. His intentions didn't seem good to her but she didn't say anything as he was her guest.

"There is something that I want that I cannot get by being just a Princess. Riches cannot get you everything. Atleast not love."

The man chuckled at her words.

"Oh now I understand! You must be meditating to get the husband of your choice. But why are you trying to get him? Shouldn't he persue you? Wait did he reject you? Ha ha ha.... Now I genuinely want to know which fool would reject the Princess of the Mountains herself? Who is he?"

Parvati was getting a bit irritated by him but she kept her calm.

"Bhadre! The man I'm persuing is no normal person. The man I love is none other than Devon ke Dev Mahadev himself! I'm praying to get him."

The young man stared at her, shocked and then started laughing loudly.

"What are you laughing at? Did I make a joke?" Parvati said, irritated by his behavior.

"Oh please forgive me, Princess. I didn't mean to laugh but I got to ask you why are you choosing lead over gold?"

"What do you mean?" asked Parvati.

"What I mean is look at yourself! You are a Princess. Born and brought up in riches and comfort. And that Mahadev of yours is an ascetic. He has no home, no friends, no relatives. His companions are ghosts and Aghoris. He doesn't have proper clothes! He wears tiger skin and rudraksh beads. Instead of sandalwood, he rubs ashes on himself. In the name of home, he either lives in the mountains or roams around in cremation grounds. Now you only tell me, Princess, is this a good match?"

Now Parvati was angry. She fumed at the young man.

"How dare you speak such ill words against Mahadev. Do you have any slightest idea about him? You only see him superficially but do not understand him. He is Jagat Pita. Adinath. He has no end nor beginning. When there was nothing, he was there. He is Omkar himself. Adiyogi. He adorns himself with ashes to teach that life doesn't end after death. That the ashes of a body can also lead to a new beginning. He roams in cremation grounds because that is where souls become free. It is the purest place. He has ghosts and animals as companions because he accepts everyone, irrespective of their identity. He is Bhootnath. Pashupati. He wears tiger skin because he has no desire for luxury. He shows that simplicity is the way to life as in the end, everything dissolves in him. Now what will you say? "

The man smiled at her for a while and then laughed again.

"Your words are good for arguments but you also have to be practical, Princess. Now imagine that you do get married to him and you're about to tie the knot for the Saptapadi, what will happen? You will be wearing an expensive bridal outfit but it will be tied to an animal skin, maybe with some blood stains still left on it. What will you do then after your marriage? What will your parents say? What will your family think? Do you think you will be happy with him? Listen to me, oh beautiful maiden! Forget that barbarian and look at me. I am young, handsome and match your power. I am perfect for you. I can make you way happier than that Shiva can ever. Accept my proposal, lady. "

Now Parvati looked at him with furious eyes.

"Oh, now I understood what you are here for. I already felt that your intentions weren't good. You are here with your bad proposal? If you have any regard for your life, then leave at once! I could have destroyed you right here but unfortunately you are my guest. So go away. Don't test my patience", Parvati shouted. The man didn't react and kept smiling. Parvati got frustrated.

"You will not leave, will you? Alright. I will leave this place myself. Anyways, it's a sin for me to even hear Shiva's insult."

Saying so, Parvati began to leave when she felt her hand being caught from behind. She angrily turned around.

"How dare you touch...."

She stopped in her words when she noticed the hand. It was adorned with rudraksh beads. She immediately recognized the hand. She slowly looked up and was stunned. In front of her, wasn't the young saint but Shiva himself in his full glory. He was wearing his tiger skin and rudraksh jewellery. His long deadlocks were adorned by the moon and the river Ganga. Vasuki was around his neck and his forehead was painted with the tripurandra. In his hand was his Trishul with his damru attached to it. His fair complexion had tints of ashes here and there. Parvati stared at his entire being, forgetting her surroundings.

"You have waited for me for so long. Where are you going, leaving me now?" he said in a loving voice. "You have successfully brought me to yourself by your strong will and pure love. You are my Shakti. From today, I surrender myself to you. I'm completely yours."

Parvati cried tears of joy. She fell at his feet with her hands joined.

"I am honored, Mahadev. My life is successful. I've got everything I ever wanted."

Shiva gently lifted her up.

"No. Your place is in my heart, my Shakti. Why were you planning to leave me again? Why did you even think of giving up your life again?"

Shiva too was crying now.

"Because I thought you won't accept me. I might be Adi Shakti but I'm incomplete without my Sadashiv. Just like you are."

"Forgive me, Parvati for I had knowingly neglected you. I'm sorry that I tested you. I just wanted to make sure you were confident in yourself. Your love completes me. Gives me life. You are my breath. You are my heartbeat. You are my everything. I will always accept you" he said tears falling down his face.

Parvati touched his cheeks and wiped his tears. All the feelings were realized that day. Shiva opened his arms and invited Parvati and she ran to him. Shiva enveloped Parvati in a tight embrace. She also held on to him strongly. Years of pain and waiting was resolved that day. The love story that was left incomplete in the previous birth now reached it's conclusion but it was only the beginning.

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