Love Conquers All

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After a long time, Shiva let go off Parvati but still held on to her hand.

"You had asked me to marry you and today I give you the answer. From now, I'm yours Uma and you are mine. Nothing can separate us anymore!" he said. Parvati looked at him with glistening eyes.

"What did you just call me?" She asked, a surprised smile played on her lips.

"Uma! Why? You don't like it?"

"No no. Hearing this name from you has satisfied my soul. Call me Uma from now. I've got this name from my mother for you only."

Shiva smiled and caressed her face.



Parvati said and wrapped her hands around his neck. Shiva lifted her up and twirled her around. Their tear filled laughter echoed throughout the sky. Their happiness was evident in the surrounding as nature had bloomed again. The Gods showered flowers on them. Shiva and Shakti were finally one again.

Shiva let her down and she touched her forehead with his. This was their signature statement. They connected their lips in a warm and passionate kiss. Both of them poured all their yearning as they dissolved into each other. Shiva had missed her soft warm lips and she had missed how gentle he always was. They finally parted. Shiva then took her hand and led her to her previous seat. He made her sit on the piece of rock and he himself sat down in front of her.

"Look at the condition you have made of yourself!" he said to her. Parvati looked at him with surprised eyes.

"You are using my own words against me. This is not fair!"

Shiva chuckled.

"Well what can you do? You are stuck with me now. Let me take care of you."

He said and a pot of water appeared in his hands. He lifted it to her mouth and made her drink some water. Parvati was satisfied. She hadn't eaten or drunk anything in a long time. Then Shiva got up.

"Where are you going?" Parvati asked.

Shiva glanced at her once and without answering went to a nearby tree and plucked an apple and sat beside her.

"Here, have something. It's not much but you need to eat something now. You had left even food and water for me so it is my duty to take care of you now."

Parvati looked at his tender eyes and smiled. Shiva might look rough and masculine but he was the most caring and emotional and she loved that about him. She slightly bit into the fruit from his hand and ate it. After finishing, she laid her head on his chest and he enclosed her with his arms and too kept his head on hers. They savoured each other's warmth and company for sometime. Then they got up and Shiva held her shoulders.

"We've been waiting for a long time for each other. Let's not waste any more time. Come with me. Let's go to our home, Kailash."

Parvati stayed quite for a while and then said.

"I cannot go to Kailash right now!"

Shiva was taken aback.

"Why, Uma? Without you I couldn't go back to Kailash. It's empty without you. My heart is empty without you. Why will you not come with me?"

Parvati smiled at his innocence. She gently held his face.

"My Bholanath, this is not what I meant. What I was saying is that I've taken birth as a human and in this human form, I do have some duties that I want to fulfil. I have promised my mother that we will get married as per her wishes. We will get married by following every ritual and custom. We will set the bar for the perfect romantic relationship. "

Shiva realised the meaning behind her words and nodded.

"What do I have to do?" he asked.

"I have a condition"

He raised an eyebrow at her.

"But I thought there was no condition in love?" he said, teasing her.

Parvati narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm not going to fall for your wordplay. I have a condition and that's it."

"Alright, what is it?"

"You have to come to my house and ask my parents's permission for our marriage. We can only get married after their approval", she explained. Shiva laughed.

"So you are taking revenge from me for testing you, huh?"

"Something like that" Parvati said and they both chuckled.

"Okay. I will abide by your wishes. I will soon come to your palace."

Parvati nodded.

"I have one last request" She said.

"What is it, my love?"

"Go back to Kailash. You have left our home since I left but you should go back now. You are Kailashpati and it is your place. Go back and wait for me there. Everybody misses you."

Shiva smiled at her words.

"Alright, Uma. How can I ever deny you. I will go back and will bring you with me when it's time."

"Well then, it is my time to leave now. My family is waiting for me. I will be waiting for you, Mahadev."

Saying so, Parvati took her kamandal and prayer beads and began to leave. Before going, she turned around to have a last look at him and smiled. He smiled in return. He had missed that smile so much. Then she left. Shiva again had to see her leave but this time with the hope of reunion.

Author's Note : The last two parts (and a few others) are purely taken from Kumarsambhavam by Kalidas. It is my favorite so if you want, do check it out. It's a beautiful piece.

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