Self Realized

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Parvati was worshipping the Shiva Linga and did the abhishek. Then she consumed the leaves and water. She sat quite for a while and then spoke.

"Everyday I have to break my meditation to eat and drink and it is breaking my concentration. That is why I have decided to give up the leaves and water. This is the last time I am doing your abhishek as I am about to go into deep sadhana. From now on, I'll worship you with my heart."

Saying so, Parvati sat on the opposite seat and entered deep state of sadhana. As Parvati had even left eating the leaves, she was named 'Aparna'.

Shiva was too in meditation but his mind was with Parvati when Nandi came to him.

" Prabhu, I have brought some fruits for you. Please have them."

Shiva opened his eyes and was about to take the fruit basket when he stopped.

"No Nandi, I cannot eat like this. When Parvati has left food and water, how can I have anything?"

Nandi thought for a while and then said.

"But Prabhu, if you do not eat anything how will Mata get her Shakti? When she is in this unconscious state, you have to look after her. If you eat, she will get her energy anyways."

Shiva looked at Nandi and nodded and took the fruits.

Time passed like this and years went by. Although in human years the time wasn't long, it was a long time in deva years. The power of Parvati's tapasya could be felt everywhere. Even the Asuras felt it. Tarakasur realised that he would have to something. So he decided to take a few of his soldiers and go to Parvati himself. Last time, she had defeated his soldiers but this time, she was in deep meditation so he thought that it would be easy to stop her now. He wouldn't even have to kill her. If he just managed to break her sadhana, then Shiva and Shakti would be never be able to reunite. With this plan in mind, he and his troops left for Himalaya.

When they reached the place, they saw that Parvati was siting on a large peice of rock in front of a Shiva Linga. She was pale and looked weak but did not stir a bit and continued to chant the Shiva Panchakshsri mantra.

"Om Namah Shivaya!"

Tarakasur smirked as he looked at her.

"Parvati, last time you had managed to escape but now, who will protect you? You yourself aren't even conscious about your surroundings. Now all I have to do is wake you up and then, nobody can stop me..."

He laughed maliciously as he and his army brought forward their swords but suddenly Parvati started to glow and the power illuminating from her almost blinded them. The sky started to glimmer and the Goddess Adi Parashakti herself appeared in front of them. She looked at them with fury.

"You dared to come back again! I had warned you before but you still did not listen. If you do not leave at this once, no boon can spare you from Adi Shakti's anger."

Tarakasur got frightened and immediately left with his troops. It was time for Parvati to become complete as her own Shakti. The Goddess emerged with Parvati and a different aura surrounded her. The signs of her years of sadhana got erased. Her face retained its glow and she became just like she was before. Then her third eye opened which indicated that she had now fully transformed into Shakti. She wasn't just a human anymore but now she was nature herself. She was the mother of this universe. The environment was booming with the sound of counch shells and the Devas showered flowers on her. Then slowly, Parvati opened her eyes. She had completed her tapasya. Her eyes had a unique confidence that was only present in the supreme goddess. Shiva too opened his eyes as he witnessed this incident. A tear rolled down his face. He too had gotten his Shakti back.

Once the nature calmed down, Parvati got up and sat in front of the Shiva Linga. She did the jalabhishek and offered him bilva leaves. Her face was gloomy instead of being happy.

"I have finally attained my power, Mahadev but looks like I still failed in attaining you. It seems that you are still not ready to accept me. What will I do without you? Being Shakti means nothing if I cannot have my Shiva. Well... If you don't want me yet then I shall discard this body of mine as well. I am ready to take multiple births just to get you. This birth will be a waste if I cannot have you" She said teary eyed. Suddenly, she heard a cry of a child coming from nearby. She immediately got up and went towards direction of the voice and reached the river bank.

There she was met with the sight of a huge crocodile trying to eat a little boy who was screaming in fear.

"What are you doing? Leave that boy alone!" she said as she looked at the fear struck face of the child.

"I cannot, Devi. This is my food" the crocodile said. Parvati was startled.

"How did I understand what you said?"

"Because you have attained Siddhi in your sadhana. That is why you can understand me and I can understand you" said the crocodile.

"Very well... But let go off that child. You cannot feed on it."

"Why? Nature has made me this way. I am supposed to feed on other organisms. Why should I leave this boy?" the crocodile argued.

"It is true that it is your nature but your food is other aquatic creatures. Not humans" Parvati said.

"But I'm old. This is the only way I can get food."

Parvati looked at the crying child and then said.

"You can ask whatever you want from me but let him go!"

"Are you sure? Do you give your word that you will give me anything I want?" the crocodile said, mockingly. Parvati retorted back.

"I am the daughter of Himalaya. I don't go back on my word. I assure you that I will grant you whatever you will ask for. Just let the child go!"

"Alright then.. I want the power of your tapasya. It'll keep me full for my entire life" said the crocodile. Now Parvati was taken aback. She wasn't expecting this answer. Her thoughts were running wild. How could she give up her tap that she achieved with such hardship?

Seeing her silent, the crocodile said, "What happened? Cannot give what I asked for? Go back then. Forget about this child."

"No" Parvati said and looked at the crying child once more. Her heart ached seeing him in pain. She was Jagatjanani after all.

"I will give you my tap. Now let him go."

Hearing Parvati's words, the crocodile let go off the child. The boy ran towards Parvati and hugged her. She gently caressed his head.

"Don't be scared. You are safe now. Go back and get yourself treated, okay?"

The boy nodded and ran off. Then Parvati turned to the crocodile. She closed her eyes and then transferred all the powers that she had attained through her sadhana to the crocodile. Satisfied, the crocodile went away. Parvati too went back with a heavy heart. Unbeknownst to her, this was all a part of Shiva's test.

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