And The Eyes Met

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Parvati along with her father, stepped inside the icy cave. It was chilly but Parvati was used to it. She is the daughter of the mountains for sake. As she moved forward, Shiva suddenly sensed the presence of Shakti. But there was no one. He had detached himself from nature so there was no chance he would feel like that but he did.

Soon enough, Himavan reached the place along with Nandi. Parvati tried to stay behind her father as she was still contemplating how she was to meet Shiva. Himavan joined his hands and greeted Shiva.
He smiled and nodded in return.

"Maharaj, thank you for letting me stay here. I could complete my sadhana in peace due to you. I'm grateful" said Shiva.

"No Mahadev! It was our greatest honor to have been able to host you in my ranges. If there was any mistake please forgive me. Here, let me introduce you to my daughter. This is my daughter, Parvati."

Himavan said pointing to his right where Parvati was but when he turned, she wasn't there.

"Parvati" he called out.

"Yes, father" She answered from his back.

That voice startled him. It was very familiar to him and he hadn't heard it in a long time. Then slowly, a figure emerged from the King's back. Parvati looked up and met Shiva's gaze. He was shocked.

"How could it be possible?" he thought. It was her. His Sati. Those lotus eyes that he loved so much was looking back at him. His mind went back to the first time he had met Sati. It was a chance meeting when he had first reunited with his Shakti and now again, after eons of staying apart from her, she was there. He wasn't mistaken. Adi Shakti had returned. His Shakti had returned.

Parvati too stared at him, bewildered. Although she knew him from childhood, she was meeting him for the first time. But he felt so familiar. That fair face. Those warm eyes. She had seen them before. And she had loved them before. She felt like she had known him since eternity.

She slowly moved forward and as she went closer, he stood up. She looked at him and then offered him the flowers that she had collected. Then she met his sight once more. Her heart fluttered as his eyes were fixated on hers. Time had stopped for them. They did not care about their surroundings and delved into each other's gaze.

But it wasn't just them who were happy. It was the entire universe. The Gods showered flowers on them. They had been waiting for this moment for a very long time. New flowers bloomed and birds started to sing. Nature was rejoicing.

From Vaikunth, Lakshmi and Vishnu were witnessing the moment. Their faces had lit up.

"Narayan" Lakshmi said, "finally the time came. Shiva and Shakti met again.

" Yes, Shree. Can't you see? The entire environment is delighted. The world would finally be restored" Vishnu said, smiling happily.

Back in the cave, both Himavan and Nandi were feeling the situation. Nandi had kneeled down with his hands joined. He was beyond excited to see his father and mother meet again.


That one voice broke the moment. Both Shiva and Parvati diverted their gaze and looked at Himavan who had spoken.

"Prabhu, I have a request for you" he said.

"Of course, Maharaj. What is it?"

"Prabhu, it is my heartiest wish that my daughter, Parvati would serve you. She will come here everyday and will help you with your daily routine. Please accept my wish."

He looked at Parvati. As much as his heart yearned, he couldn't let it happen. Not this time.

"Maharaj, I'm an ascetic. I'm used to being alone. Apart from Nandi, I don't have any other companion. Anyways this place isn't suitable for a woman, especially a Princess. I've left behind nature. I don't want to deal with it again" Shiva said, stoickly.

Parvati scrunched her eyebrows. This wasn't something she expected to hear from him. Himavan was about to say something when she intervened.

"Forgive me, Mahadev but I have a question."

Shiva nodded in response. She kept going.

"You are saying that you have left nature behind but it's not possible. You are saying that this is not a place for women but how can you forget that nature herself is a woman. This cave where you are staying is given by nature. The air you are breathing, the ground you are standing on everything is a part of nature. Water, air, sky, earth and fire, all these five elements are derived from nature and nobody can live without them. The power that you have gathered through your meditation, that Shakti herself is a woman. This nature is a woman. Thus you can neither ignore nature nor dismiss me from being here as a woman. And anyways, you are a great yogi. How can the presence of a mere woman like me affect you?"

Shiva was silenced. He had no words to speak because everything Parvati said was true. She was Mahavidya. Her wisdom was like this vast universe and he couldn't argue with her. A slight smile formed on his lips.

"Parvati!" Himavan cried, "What are you saying? Did you forget whom you are talking to? He is Mahadev!"

Parvati was taken aback.

"I'm sorry, Mahadev. Please forgive me if I had said something wrong...."

"No" Shiva interjected, "whatever you have said is completely correct. You are intelligent. Wise. I have no answer for your questions because your point was undebatable."

Then he let out a sigh.

"Alright, you can come here whenever you want. Just make sure it's you alone and no other palace stuff."

Parvati's face lit up and she smiled. How he had missed that smile, only he knew.

"I promise you, Mahadev. I will not disturb your meditation. Rather I'll help you with it."

Shiva nodded.

"Then kindly give us permission to leave, my Lord. Parvati will come from tomorrow" Himavan said. Shiva agreed. Himavan started to leave the cave and he was followed by Parvati. She stopped and looked back once to get a glimpse of Shiva one last time and then she left. Shiva watched as her silhouette disappeared. This was not the first time he witnessed this. His smile dropped.


He turned to Nandi, hearing his voice.

"Why did you not let her come at first?" he asked.

"I couldn't even if I wanted to."

"But why, Prabhu? She is Mata Sati! She is back."

"And that is the problem, Nandi" Shiva said and closed his eyes as they became moist.

"This is the problem that she is my Sati. My Shakti. And we are destined to separate from each other over and over again. Even if we meet, she has to go away and I cannot let that happen to her. What happened with Sati.... I cannot let her get hurt once more. I don't think I would be able to tolerate it anymore."

Shiva didn't say anymore and went back to his meditation. But that yearning in his heart never left. He wanted to see her again. So he waited patiently like he has for so long.

Shiv Shakti - The Mountains Bound Us! (Haimavati)Where stories live. Discover now