A Surprising Invitation

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The night was over and the busy hustling of the palace started once more. There were only three days left for the grand wedding so everyone was busy. Himavan was sitting in his chamber with his family. Him and Mena were going through the invitations last minute and Parvati, Ganga and Mainak were chuckling and talking in a corner as usual, the latter two teasing Parvati when her father called her.

"Parvati, all the invitations have been sent. Everyone from the Gods, the Gandharvas, Brahma Dev, Narayan, the Goddesses and all our relatives are invited. I wanted to know is there anyone else that you want to invite? It is your wedding after all" Himavan asked. Parvati thought for a while and then nodded.

"Yes Pitashree. There is someone I would like to call."

"Who is it, my daughter?"

"Prajapati Daksha and Mata Prasuti." Parvati's words stunned everyone. There was a silence in the room when Ganga spoke.

"Bon, you want to call Prajapati Daksha? Are you sure?"

"Yes Didi. I know what you all might be thinking but no matter what, Daksha was my father in my previous birth. I had taken birth in his house as per his request. Before he was completely consumed by his ego and lost his conscience, he was a loving father to me. I know that he was the reason due to which I had to give up my life as Sati but he has been repenting since then. He is remorseful and I want to free both of them of this guilt by inviting them to our wedding. I know that even Mahadev would want this."

Himalaya listened to Parvati silently and then said, "Your thought is surely great, Parvati but Prajapati has left the worldly life behind and is now residing in Kashi with his wife. Will he agree to come?"

Parvati smiled, "I know how to deal with that."


The royal chariot of Himalaya stopped amidst the city of Kashi. The most pious place in the world which is very dear to Lord Shiva, so much so that the city resides on his Trishul at the time of destruction. The place is as old as time. King Himavan got down and started looking for Daksha and finally found the temple where he was residing. He went inside and saw the couple worshipping Shiva.

Daksha, the once haughty Emperor of Kankhal was dressed in simple clothes and his head was of a goat. His wife, Prasuti had accompanied him. He was still repenting his actions due to which his daughter had killed herself, so he had completely dedicated himself to the worship of Shiva. Himavan waited till his puja was over and then called him.

"Prajapati Daksha!"

Daksha turned around to see Himavan and recognised and went to him.

"Welcome. Welcome King Himavan. It is our honor that you came here in Kashi. Tell me how can I help you?"

"Prajapati, nothing is hidden from you. I think you know why I am here" Himalaya said.

"Maharaj, firstly please don't call me 'Prajapati'. I have left that tittle behind. That one position has taken everything from me. And yes I have heard the news. Congratulations King! You have done what I couldn't do."

Himalaya smiled at that and said, "Brahma Putra, my daughter was your daughter first and that is why Parvati wants you and Devi Prasuti to come to her wedding and it is something we want as well. Please accept the invitation."

Himalaya stretched his hand forward and presented a formal invitation. Daksha looked at it and joined his hands.

"Thank you so much, Maharaj. I am honored that you came here to invite us but I cannot accept it. With the sin I have committed, I can neither stand in front of your daughter or Mahadev. I have left everything to get away from this society which I was so proud of that I could not understand my own daughter. Whatever happened to me, I deserve it. I don't want to go back anymore. "

"I knew you would refuse. That is why I brought someone whom you cannot say no to" Himalaya said and looked back and called, "Parvati!".

From his back, slowly Parvati came into view who had come with her father to convince Daksha. Seeing her, Daksha was shocked. He had heard about Parvati but hadn't seen her before and now as she stood before him, he saw that she looked exactly like his daughter, Sati. The same eyes. The same smile. The daughter he used to adore so much. He remembered how everytime he would come back home, Sati would run to hug him first. When he would miss his meals, she used to scold him and feed him with her own hands. She was the apple of his eyes. And all was destroyed because of his own ego. The image of a burning Sati was still etched in his mind. Parvati moved towards him with a big smile and knelt down to touch his feet and but Daksha stopped her.

"No. No, Dakshayani. Don't do this. I'm the reason for your death. I'm guilty of your separation from Mahadev. I don't deserve your respect."

Parvati looked at him gently and smiled.

"Pitashree, you were my father in my previous birth and I was able to get Mahadev. What had happened was unfortunate but you have repented enough for your wrongdoings. You are still my father so will you not bless me?"

Hearing Parvati's words, Daksha teared up. He nodded and Parvati touched his feet and he blessed her.

"It is my misfortune that I couldn't give my blessings to my Sati due to my own ego but today I give you all my blessings and love. Stay happy forever, my child."

Parvati hugged him and he caressed her head. To Daksha, it felt like his beloved girl Sati was near him again. The fire that was burning inside him after Sati's death finally cooled down by Parvati's presence. Prasuti had also noticed her and had came running.



Prasuti blessed Parvati with all her heart. To her, she was still Sati whom they had lost. Now Parvati addressed both of them.

"Maa, Pitashree, I really want both of you to come to our wedding."

Daksha gently placed his hand on her head.

"My child, it is our honor that you came to invite us but I have taken an oath to never go back to society again. I had been very cruel to you and Mahadev and this is my chosen way of remorse. But you will always have our blessings."

Parvati tried to persuade them but finally dropped it. She knew they needed more time. So she took their blessings once more and proceeded to leave with her father, Himalaya. But before she left Kashi, she silently spoke to Shiva.

"Mahadev, I think it's time you finally forgive Prajapati Daksha. It is my request that please restore back his original head. He has changed and has repented for his mistakes."

Shiva listened to her and smiled. After Parvati had left, Daksha's head suddenly transformed back to his original one. Daksha understood that it was Shiva's blessing. The couple were overjoyed and worshipped Shiva with their whole heart.

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