The meeting

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In the small town of Lima, Ohio, 16-year-old Brittany Pierce found herself facing a new chapter in her life as she transferred to William McKinley High School. Excitement mixed with nervousness as she stepped into the bustling school on the first day of her sophomore year.

Among the crowd, Brittany's eyes were drawn to Santana Lopez, the co-head cheerleader known for her quick wit and sharp tongue. Santana had a reputation for being mean to almost everyone, and Brittany couldn't help but wonder why. However, as fate would have it, Santana's gaze met Brittany's that very day, and for some reason, her usual demeanor seemed to soften.

The day before Brittany arrived Santana was told she was touring the new exchange student from Australia but she wasn't too thrilled about Principal Figgins assigning her the task of giving a random student a tour of the school.

Santana initially protested, but there was no escape from Mr. Figgins' decision. As much as she tried to put on a mean facade, Santana found it increasingly difficult to keep up the act. Brittany's presence was captivating – her tall frame of 5'8, long wavy bright blonde hair, and those striking blue eyes radiating innocence and happiness.

As Santana guided Brittany through the bustling halls of the school, she couldn't help but notice the warmth of Brittany's smile. The Australian exchange student was like a breath of fresh air, her enthusiasm infectious.

"So, Brittany," Santana began, glancing at her with curiosity. "What's your family like back in Australia?"

Brittany's face lit up even more as she launched into her story. "Oh, my family's great! I've got a mum, a dad, and a little brother who's 8. We're really close, and we love spending time outdoors together."

Santana nodded, impressed by the genuine affection in Brittany's voice. "Sounds wonderful," she said, intrigued by the accent that colored Brittany's words.

Brittany grinned. "Yeah, my little brother is a bundle of energy. Always running around and making us laugh."

As they continued the tour, Brittany decided to reciprocate the question. "And what about your family, Santana?"

Santana's expression shifted slightly, a hint of vulnerability crossing her features. "Well, my parents are divorced," she began. "It's been like that for a while now. My dad's remarried, and my mom... well, she's still figuring things out."

Brittany's empathetic gaze met Santana's, her kind smile conveying understanding. "I'm sorry to hear that. Divorce can be tough."

Santana shrugged, offering a small smile in return. "Yeah, it's had its challenges. But we manage. I also have an older sister, she's 24. We're pretty close despite the age difference."

Brittany nodded and let Santana lead the way and point out other classes.

As Santana and Brittany strolled through the halls of their school, Santana's curiosity got the better of her. "So, Britt, tell me about Australia. Where exactly did you live there?" Santana inquired.

Brittany smiled, her blue eyes lighting up as memories flooded back. "I used to live in Melbourne, San. It was really cool. I loved the beaches and the koalas!"

Santana raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Melbourne, huh? That's pretty awesome. I've always wanted to visit Australia."

Brittany nodded. "It's a really amazing place. It's way better where I now live now in Lima Heights Adjacent"

Santana blinked, surprise evident on her face. "Wait, seriously? That's where I live too! What are the odds?"

Brittany grinned, clearly delighted by the coincidence. "No way! That's so cool, Santana. It's like fate brought us together even before we knew each other."

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