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Mercedes stood confidently on a ladder placed against the towering Christmas tree in the cozy choir room. In one hand, she held a box of glistening fake snow, and in the other, she clutched a cherished ornament. As Mariah Carey's timeless hit, "All I Want for Christmas Is You," echoed through the house from the choir room, she couldn't resist joining in the festive serenade.

With a smile on her face and a sparkle in her eye, Mercedes began to sing, her voice rich and soulful. "I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need." Her words blended seamlessly with Mariah's as she carefully sprinkled the faux snow onto the tree's branches, creating the illusion of a winter wonderland indoors.

As the song continued, Mercedes descended the ladder, her voice unwavering. She strolled around the room, her fingers lightly dancing over the ornaments that adorned the tree. "I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree," she sang, her voice filled with sincerity.

With each step, she tossed handfuls of the glistening snow onto the tree, watching as it settled onto the branches like a delicate frost. The room seemed to come alive with holiday spirit as the song's infectious energy flowed through her.

"Make my wish come true," she sang, her voice resonating with warmth and emotion. "All I want for Christmas is..."

"You," Mercedes belted out the word with passion, her voice soaring to new heights as she focused on the one thing that mattered most during the holiday season.

Brittany playfully snatched the box from Mercedes's hands, creating a whimsical snowstorm around them. Giggles erupted from those nearby as they watched the impromptu snowfall.

Puck, always one to seize an opportunity to add some flair, dashed towards the tree. With a sly grin, he grabbed a handful of tinsel and flung it into the air. The room transformed into a winter wonderland, complete with fake snow and shimmering tinsel, as Mercedes continued to sing.

"Yeah," Mercedes sang, pouring her heart and soul into the song, her voice harmonizing beautifully with the festive chaos happening around her. The choir room had transformed into a joyous, magical spectacle, and Mercedes was at the center of it all.

Meanwhile, Kurt, known for his impeccable sense of style, twirled gracefully in front of Mercedes with a single tree light in his hand. The light danced and flickered, casting enchanting shadows around them. His movements were as graceful as ever, adding a touch of elegance to the impromptu performance.

"I don't want," she sang, drawing everyone's attention with her powerful vocals.

Mercedes made her way over to Rory, who was standing in front of Mike and Tina, holding a roll of Christmas wrapping paper sideways. Her smile was radiant as she continued to sing, "a lot for Christmas."

With a playful and mischievous glint in her eye, Mercedes pulled the Christmas wrapping paper from Rory's hands, unfurling it dramatically. Just as she sang, "Christmas," Mike, with his boundless energy, leaped through the paper, causing it to rip and crumple dramatically.

The sudden ripping noise caught Brittany's attention. Her jaw playfully dropped as she turned towards the spectacle, her wide blue eyes sparkling with curiosity and amusement. She watched with childlike wonder as Mike emerged from the torn paper, striking a triumphant pose.

Meanwhile, Santana, standing nearby, was still giggling at something Brittany had said moments earlier. She held a string of festive lights in her hands, swaying them to the beat of the music.

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