Healing, Love, and Revelation

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Santana entered the glee club room, her usual confident stride replaced by a somber one. The members of the club took notice of her demeanor, sensing that something was amiss. Their gazes shifted from Santana to the empty space beside her, where Brittany would typically be.

Marley, always attuned to the emotions of those around her, was the first to speak up. "Santana, what's wrong?" she asked with genuine concern in her voice.

Santana's shoulders slumped as she offered a small, sad shrug. She couldn't find the words to express the weight of her worry, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of Brittany's well-being.

Jake's brow furrowed as he picked up on the tension in the room. His voice held a hint of unease as he asked, "Where's Brittany?"

Santana's eyes met Jake's, her own eyes reflecting a mix of sadness and fear. "She's at the hospital," she replied quietly, her words hanging in the air.

The impact of Santana's words rippled through the room, drawing the attention of everyone present. Heads turned toward Santana, concern etched on their faces as they exchanged glances, wondering what could have happened to lead to Brittany being in the hospital.

The room fell into a thoughtful silence, the weight of Santana's announcement sinking in. The absence of Brittany, the understanding that something serious had occurred, created a palpable tension in the air. As their concern grew, they awaited further explanation, united in their desire to support Santana and offer whatever help they could in this difficult time.

Santana's words hung heavy in the air, a somber truth that sent shockwaves through the glee club. Matt, Tina, and Quinn were among the first to react, their expressions a mix of concern, anger, and disbelief. Matt's voice was laced with genuine worry as he asked, "What happened, Santana?"

Santana's gaze was heavy with emotion as she recounted the horrifying events. "He appeared out of nowhere in the gym. He tried to come up to me, but Brittany stepped in to protect me. He... he started shoving her around and then... he beat her up badly."

The gravity of Santana's words landed like a punch, leaving her fellow glee club members stunned and outraged.

The reaction was immediate, as Jake, Finn, Sam, Matt, Ryder and Mike couldn't contain their anger and frustration. Their voices overlapped in a chorus of indignation.

Finn's fists clenched as he got up from his seat, his voice filled with anger and resolve. "He should pay for what he did. Nobody hurts our friends and gets away with it."

Matt, his easygoing demeanor replaced by a simmering anger, nodded in agreement. "If I ever see that guy, he's in for the beating of a life time."

Sam's voice held a mix of frustration and contempt. "He's a complete asshole, treating someone like that."

Jake's brow furrowed as he expressed his disdain. "He's the lowest of the lows, attacking someone who was just trying to protect someone else."

Ryder's tone was unflinching as he spoke up. "He deserves every bad thing that's coming his way."

Mike, his voice firm and resolute, added his own perspective. "We should find him and make sure he faces the consequences."

Their collective outrage formed a bond of solidarity, uniting them in their shared concern for Brittany's well-being. Their loyalty to Santana and Brittany led to a shared sentiment of wanting to take action against the one who had caused harm. Jake's voice carried an edge of anger. "Where is he?"

Santana's expression grew more resolute as she answered, "He ran away when Mrs. Riley arrived."

The room fell into a tense silence as the glee club members absorbed the information. The depth of their emotions was clear in their expressions and the way they leaned in towards Santana, forming a protective circle around her.

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