Mrs Rileys glee club

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Brittany and Santana found themselves cozily entwined on Santanas beloved couch, the TV screen casting a soft, ethereal glow across their faces. The melodramatic tales of '90 Day Fiancé' had their attention locked in a tight grip. Santana's head rested serenely on Brittany's chest, where she could hear the rhythmic beat of her girlfriend's heart, and Brittany's arm enveloped Santana's waist, offering both comfort and affection.

In the midst of the whirlwind of on-screen romances, Santana's gaze wandered from the TV to Brittany's enchanting eyes. She couldn't help but voice the thoughts that had been dancing in her mind. "You know, Brittany," she began, her voice soft and contemplative, "I've been thinking about marriage lately."

Brittany shifted her gaze from the TV, locking her eyes onto Santana's. "Marriage?" she inquired, a hint of curiosity in her voice. "When would you want to get married?"

Santana pondered her response briefly. "I'd want it to be early, like around 20 years old," she confessed.

Brittany's eyes widened at Santana's words, and she nodded in acknowledgment. Then, she posed a question of her own. "And what about you, Britt? When do you think you'd like to get married?"

Brittany, however, had a different vision in mind. She replied, "I'd prefer to wait, maybe late twenties."

Santana's brow furrowed in disappointment. "Late twenties? Why wait so long?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Brittany sighed gently, her eyes filled with sincerity. "Well basically everyone who marry before 25 end up divorcing. I just want to be absolutely sure."

Santana sought to counter Brittany's argument with an example close to their hearts. "But look at Heather Morris and Naya Rivera; they got married at 21, and they're still together seven years later."

Brittany sighed again and offered a soft smile. "Yeah, they have true love. But if it's true love, they'd understand why I'd want to wait."

Santana frowned once more, her gaze returning to the TV screen as her thoughts swirled in turmoil. Brittany, on the other hand, felt a sense of confusion lingering in the air, wondering if Santana's desire for an early marriage meant something more profound.

With a sense of anticipation, Tina made her way to Brittany's house and stood before the familiar front door.

She raised her hand and gave it a gentle knock. Moments later, the door swung open, revealing Brittany's bright and welcoming smile. Tina couldn't help but return the warm grin.

"Hey, Tina!" Brittany greeted her friend with enthusiasm. "Come on in!"

Tina stepped inside, feeling the comforting embrace of Brittany's home. Brittany closed the door behind her, and they exchanged a friendly hug. Tina was eager to see what her friend had been up to lately, and Brittany was just as excited to have her over.

As they made their way to Brittany's room, Tina couldn't help but notice the personal touches that made it uniquely Brittany's. Her eyes fell upon a picture frame on Brittany's dresser, capturing a heartwarming moment: Brittany kissing a blushing Santana on the cheek. Tina couldn't help but smile at the pure affection radiating from the photograph.

"Your room is so nice, Brittany," Tina complimented, genuinely impressed by the room's warm and inviting atmosphere.

Brittany beamed with pride. "Thanks, Tina! I love making it cozy and filling it with memories."

Their attention then shifted to a Polaroid selfie of Brittany and Santana. It was clear that Santana had taken the picture, and the happiness in their expressions was palpable. It was a snapshot of their love, and Tina couldn't help but feel the love radiating from the photograph.

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