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Blaine stood on Kurt's doorstep, knocking insistently. Kurt opened the door with an annoyed huff, questioning, "What's up?"

Rubbing his forehead nervously, Blaine admitted, "I regret breaking up with you."

Kurt scoffed, remembering Blaine's rendition of "Mr. Perfectly Fine," saying, "You definitely didn't seem to regret it when you sang that song a month ago."

Blaine sighed, "That was a month ago. I never realized how good you were to me, and I don't know why I broke up with you."

Kurt looked around, avoiding Blaine's pleading eyes. Blaine continued, "When we broke up, it felt like there was something in my heart missing. I tried to fill that with Elliot, but no one can fill it but you."

Kurt mumbled, "This is so corny," making Blaine give him a weird look. Kurt sighed and said, "Come inside," prompting a wide smile from Blaine.

Rachel ran down the hall, tears streaming down her face, lost in her emotions. In her distress, she accidentally collided with Finn, who quickly wrapped his arms around her. Hesitating at first, Rachel melted into the comfort of his embrace, reminiscent of their past when they were dating.

As Finn held her, he heard heavy footsteps approaching. Turning, he saw Brody running towards Rachel, but he stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing Finn. A glare exchanged between them spoke volumes.

Finn leaned his head closer to Rachel's and whispered, "Are you okay?" She shook her head, and then, in a mumble, she confessed, "He is a prostitute."

Finn stifled a laugh, surprised by Rachel's revelation. "Oh," he replied, offering her a supportive squeeze.

Time jump to the near end of senior year. Idk what else to do for the sophomore or junior year so they're all 18.

Mercedes sat across from Sam at the quaint restaurant, her barely-touched salad a stark contrast to the half-eaten pepperoni pizza in front of him. Sam, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, delivered another super corny joke, earning a laugh from Mercedes.

His gaze shifted to her plate, and he raised an eyebrow. "You've barely touched your salad," he observed, concern furrowing his brows.

Mercedes, glancing at her plate, chuckled, "Oh." Sam, still puzzled, questioned, "Are you going to eat any?" She shook her head, "No, I'm full."

Sam's frown deepened, ready to express his confusion, but before he could speak, Mercedes interjected, "Let it go, please." Sam, attempting to lighten the mood, forced a confused expression and replied, "I'm not Elsa, though."

Mercedes burst into laughter again, and Sam couldn't help but grin widely.

In the bustling gym, Brittany worked out with Matt when Santana entered with Finn trailing behind. Matt leaned closer to Brittany, asking, "Are they joining us or...?"

Brittany, uncertain, shrugged and whispered, "I don't know." As Santana and Finn approached, Finn sighed and confessed, "I tried to get her to stay outside."

Brittany gave him a confused look, prompting Matt to nudge her. When she looked at him, he subtly gestured towards what Santana held. Brittany examined it and said, "You know you're not meant to bring food in the gym."

Santana rolled her eyes, dismissing their confusion, "It's not food." Finn, equally puzzled, questioned, "Then what is it?"

Santana looked nervous as she replied, "Your clothes." Brittany and Matt exchanged confused glances, Finn sharing their bewilderment. Finn asked, "What's going on?" Santana hesitated before pushing a bag toward Brittany's stomach, explaining, "To, um, break up."

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