The five day break

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Just as Santana was reveling in the joy of Brittany's admission, her heart sank as Brittany suggested that they take a break. The words felt like a bucket of cold water being poured over Santana's emotions. She felt herself crumbling, and her initial response was to bury her face in Brittany's shoulder and let out a sob.

Santana's tears flowed freely as her emotions poured out, a mixture of confusion, hurt, and desperation. She couldn't understand why Brittany would suggest a break right after they had finally admitted their feelings for each other. Her voice trembled as she pleaded, "Please, don't do this."

Brittany held Santana tighter, her own heart aching at the sight of Santana's pain. She gently stroked Santana's back and tried to explain, "Santana, taking a break can be good for a relationship. It doesn't mean we're ending things."

Santana's sobs only intensified, her emotions threatening to consume her. She clung to Brittany, her tear-streaked face hidden in the curve of Brittany's neck. With a shaky voice, Santana managed to choke out, "Can we... can we just stay together, please?"

Brittany's heart ached at Santana's plea. She pulled Santana slightly away from her so she could look into her eyes. "Santana, I'm not suggesting this to hurt you," she said softly. "I just think we both need some space to figure things out."

Santana's eyes were red and puffy, her face etched with pain. She was reluctant to let go of Brittany, the fear of losing her overwhelming her. Brittany gently suggested, "How about we take a break for one week? Just give ourselves some time to breathe."

Reluctantly, Santana pulled away and nodded, her tears still falling. She leaned in and pressed a trembling kiss to Brittany's lips, pouring all her love and desperation into that fleeting connection. Brittany kissed her back, the touch both gentle and reassuring.

Pulling back slightly, Brittany cupped Santana's cheek and said, "And after that week, maybe we can start over as friends." Santana's eyes widened, her heart clenching at the thought. "I can't do that, Brittany," she whispered, her voice cracking.

Brittany's expression softened as she reached out to wipe away Santana's tears. "Santana, please understand that I'm not trying to push you away," she implored. "I just want us to have a chance to really build a strong foundation."

Santana looked into Brittany's eyes, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. Reluctantly, she nodded again, her voice a mere whisper. "Okay, one week. But I can't go back to being just friends," she admitted.

Brittany's gaze was filled with understanding and compassion. She leaned in and kissed Santana's forehead, pulling her into a tight hug once more. "We'll figure this out together," she promised softly.

Santana closed her eyes, clinging to Brittany as if her life depended on it. The emotions swirling within her were complex and overwhelming, but through the tears and uncertainty, there was a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, their love could weather this storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

Brittany found herself seated next to Marley in math class, the atmosphere in the room strangely somber. As the teacher began the lesson, Marley turned to Brittany and softly asked, "Hey, how are things with you and Santana?"

Brittany's expression shifted, a mix of emotions flashing across her face. She sighed and replied, "We're actually taking a break for a week."

Marley's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "A week? What does that mean?"

Brittany fidgeted with her pen, her eyes downcast. "I couldn't stand seeing Santana so hurt and confused anymore," she explained. "So, I suggested that we take a week apart."

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