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Brittany was cozily lounging on her sofa, her phone propped up on a nearby cushion, and Santana's face beamed at her through the screen. They were deep into planning their much-anticipated movie night for the following day, excitedly discussing which film they should watch and what delicious snacks they should stock up on.

As they contemplated which movie would provide the perfect blend of romance and action, Brittany suddenly felt an unexpected weight pressing down on her stomach. She emitted an involuntary groan of discomfort, instantly grabbing Santana's attention.

"Brittany, what happened? Are you alright?" Santana's voice was filled with concern as she gazed at Brittany.

Brittany's eyes dropped to her lap, where her younger brother, Lucas, sat with a contented smile on his face. Her discomfort swiftly turned into a grin, and she chuckled.

"It's just Lucas," Brittany explained, her love for her brother shining in her eyes. "He wanted to sit on me."

Santana's expression softened. "That's sweet. Well, you guys enjoy your time together. Call me later, okay?"

Brittany nodded, her heart warmed by Santana's understanding. "Definitely. Love you, Santana."

"I love you too, Britt. Have fun." Santana replied warmly before ending the FaceTime call.

With the call disconnected, Brittany playfully initiated a tickle war with Lucas, who responded with giggles and pleas for her to stop. After a good-natured bout of laughter, Brittany asked, "Alright, Lucas, what's the plan for the evening?"

Lucas pondered for a moment before his face lit up with excitement. "Can we go to Walmart?"

Brittany's smile grew even wider. She glanced at the clock, which indicated that it was around 8 pm. "Sure thing, Lucas. Walmart it is."

They hopped into the car, and Brittany started playing music to set the mood for their spontaneous outing. Olivia Rodrigo's "GUTS" filled the car, and they both sang along with gusto, laughter bubbling up between the lyrics.

Upon arriving at Walmart, Brittany couldn't help but notice a man purchasing a gun with his teenage son. She shook her head disapprovingly, concerned about the ease with which firearms were available. Lucas tugged at her hand, guiding her to the candy section.

"What would you like, Lucas?" Brittany inquired.

Lucas pointed enthusiastically to the Reese's and Skittles. Brittany nodded with approval. "Great choices." She picked up a bag of M&M's for herself before heading to the checkout.

Back in the car, they excitedly opened their snacks and munched away, savoring each bite. In the soft glow of the car's interior lights, they chatted about a myriad of topics, strengthening their sibling bond with every passing moment.

Lucas awoke one morning with a strange, uneasy feeling in his stomach. It was a feeling he couldn't quite explain, but it told him that maybe, just maybe, he shouldn't go to school today. He lay in bed for a moment, debating whether he should act on this peculiar gut feeling.

Eventually, curiosity and that unsettling sensation won over. He swung his legs out of bed and padded quietly to the kitchen, where his mom, Whitney, was sipping her morning coffee.

"Mom," Lucas began, trying to sound as pitiful as possible, "I don't feel so good. Can I stay home from school today?"

Whitney raised an eyebrow and peered at her son over her coffee mug. "Oh really? What's wrong?"

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