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Brittany slowly opens her eyes, wincing at the sunlight streaming into the room. Confused, she glances around and realizes she's in Santana's bed. Frowning, she searches for Santana, only to find an empty space beside her. Groaning, Brittany covers her face with a pillow.

Santana's voice breaks through, saying, "Britt." Brittany grunts in response as Santana gently shakes her. "I got you some water and Advil," Santana informs her. Brittany mumbles a grateful thanks, prompting Santana's light laughter. "Come on, Britt."

Brittany remains still, covering her face with her hands. Santana, rolling her eyes, warns, "Brittany." She has to peel Brittany's hands away, practically shoving the water and medication into her reluctant grasp.

Brittany sits on a stool in Santana's kitchen, absentmindedly swirling water in her glass, Santana's laptop nearby. The front door opens, making Brittany turn around quickly. Maribel walks in, narrowing her eyes at Brittany and slowly saying, "Brittany."

Nervously smiling, Brittany greets, "Hi, Mrs. Lopez." Maribel smiles back, asking, "What are you doing here?" Brittany glances behind her, finding no sign of Santana, then turns back and admits, "I was out yesterday, apparently I got a bit out of hand, and Santana picked me up."

Maribel inquires, "Where did you go?" Brittany rubs the back of her neck, confessing, "The bar." Maribel nods, walking over to Brittany. She takes a seat on the stool beside her, and Brittany asks, "Where's James?" Maribel replies, "He's on a business trip." Then, with a more intense look, Maribel asks, "So, are you and Santana back together?"

Blushing, Brittany shrugs, saying, "I don't know." Maribel continues to scrutinize Brittany and remarks, "Well, I hope you will be soon."

Brittany and Santana stroll hand in hand through a public space, eventually stepping onto a bridge. Santana tugs on Brittany's arm, prompting her to ask, "What's up?" Santana, giving her puppy dog eyes, says, "Can you take a picture?" Brittany's eyebrows furrow, and she questions, "Of what?" Santana shoots her a look and replies, "Of me."

Anticipating Brittany's next question, Santana adds, "I know you're going to ask why, and it's because of the view, like, look at it." Brittany follows Santana's gaze, smiling at the beautiful sunset, and agrees, "Sure." Santana beams at her and says, "Thank you."

Brittany takes out her phone, unknowingly oblivious to the paparazzi discreetly capturing their moment. Focused on the task, she captures a perfect picture of Santana. Once done, Santana rushes over, saying, "Show me." Brittany laughs lightly, showing Santana, who exclaims, "That's amazing! Send it to me." Brittany smiles and sends the photo to Santana.

Santana and Brittany stand in the drinks section of a store. Brittany questions, "What are we getting?" Santana casually replies, "Drinks and cigarettes." Brittany looks at Santana, puzzled, and asks, "Cigarettes?" Santana nods, saying, "I want to try them." Brittany, surprised, says, "Really?"

Santana grins, saying, "Yeah, imagine how sexy my voice could be." Brittany counters, "And imagine getting lung cancer." Santana groans, saying, "But imagine me being on my deathbed, saying 'fuck you' to Rachel really sexily, and then I die." Brittany frowns, asking, "Is that the only reason?"

Santana admits, "And smokers are really hot." Brittany laughs, saying, "True, but when you kiss someone right after they smoke, it's kinda gross." Santana raises her eyebrows, asking, "How do you know?" Brittany smirks, replying, "I hooked up with a smoker once, and he was bad." Santana scoffs, saying, "Maybe it's because he's a guy." Brittany laughs, conceding, "Maybe."

Santana, having just left the shop, placed a cigarette between her lips. Realizing she lacked a lighter, she commented, "I don't have a lighter." Brittany, amused, offered hers with a laugh. Santana looked at Brittany, who held out the lighter. Gratefully, Santana took it and ignited the end of the cigarette.

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