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In the midst of their math class, Brittany leaned over to Marley, a mix of annoyance and amusement on her face. "You won't believe what Santana's been doing. She's taken some of my clothes and won't give them back!"

Marley chuckled softly. "Oh, I don't know the feeling. I do the same thing to Jake. I'm always 'borrowing' his leather jacket and some of his shirts end up in my closet for weeks."

Brittany rolled her eyes playfully. "Seriously? I thought I was the only one dealing with this."

Marley grinned. "Nope, seems like partners have a thing for 'borrowing' their stuff without asking."

As they continued to share their experiences, their conversation was suddenly interrupted by Dani, who turned around in her seat with a flirty smile. "Hey, can I have your number?"

Brittany's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and she quickly shook her head. "No, definitely not."

Dani's tone turned affectionate as she called Brittany "baby." Brittany's glare intensified, making her displeasure clear.

Marley, not one to stay quiet, chimed in firmly, "Don't call her that."

Dani's smirk grew as she looked at Marley. "What's your problem, Marley? You in love with Brittany or something?"

Marley chuckled, her response lighthearted. "Nope, not even close. I'm straight, just like you know, most of us."

Brittany leaned forward, her voice firm. "Just so you know, I'm not single, and I'm not giving you my number."

Unfazed, Dani turned to Brody, her voice casual. "Hey, Brody, do you have Brittany's number?"

Brody nodded, scribbling down Brittany's number on a scrap of paper and handing it to Dani. Dani's triumphant smirk didn't go unnoticed by Brittany and Marley.

As Brittany caught sight of the note, her eyes widened in disbelief. She scoffed, unaware that Dani had asked for her number. She leaned over to Marley and muttered, "Santana was right, she's a total slut."

Marley burst into laughter at Brittany's candid remark, the two of them sharing a moment of camaraderie amidst the unexpected chaos of their math class. Despite the distractions, Brittany found comfort in her friendship with Marley, knowing that they could navigate the quirks of their relationships together, whether it was dealing with clothes-swiping partners or audacious classmates.

Brittany and Santana walked hand in hand down the bustling hallway of their high school, their connection evident to anyone who cared to look. Santana was sporting Brittany's letterman jacket, a casual and loving gesture that showcased their intimacy for the world to see.

As they made their way towards the canteen, they unknowingly passed by Dani, whose lingering gaze on Brittany was far from discreet. Santana remained blissfully unaware of Dani's attention, caught up in her animated chatter about Brittany's imminent return to the football field. Brittany couldn't help but grin at Santana's unwavering faith in her abilities.

Reaching the canteen, Brittany turned to Santana with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "So, are you ever going to give me my jacket back?"

Santana let out a melodious laugh, a devilish grin tugging at the corner of her lips. "Oh, babe, I think I'm gonna hold onto it for a little while longer. It looks better on me anyway."

Brittany laughed along, knowing that the jacket was just another way for Santana to feel close to her.

Brittany and Santana were engaged in a lively conversation about the incredible progress the glee club had made under the guidance of Mrs. Riley. They marveled at the way she managed to bring out the best in each member, creating harmonious performances that left a lasting impact.

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