Blame it on the alcohol

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Brittany and Santana snuggled up in Brittany's cozy room, wrapped in a warm blanket as they watched a movie. The soft glow of the screen illuminated their content smiles. Just as the movie reached a heartwarming scene, Santana's phone buzzed with a text message from Puck. Curious, she opened the message and her eyes widened as she read, "Hey, Rach's throwing a party tonight! Got into her dad's liquor cabinet. You in?"

Santana chuckled and showed the message to Brittany, raising an eyebrow playfully. "Looks like Rachel's up to her usual schemes."

Brittany's eyes lit up with excitement as she read the text. "A party? That sounds like so much fun."

Santana smirked. "I knew you'd be up for it."

Santana snuggled closer to Brittany. "Can we go? It's been a while since I've gone to a party."

Santana pretended to think for a moment, tapping her chin. "Well, I suppose if you really want to go, I can suffer through a night of Rachel's drama."

Brittany playfully swatted Santana's arm. "Stop being dramatic. It'll be fun, you know it."

Santana grinned and leaned in to give Brittany a quick kiss. "Alright, you win. Let's go to the party."

They stood in front of Brittany's vanity mirror, their laughter filling the room as they rifled through an array of clothes strewn across the bed.

Brittany held up a dress, examining it with a contemplative expression. "Do you think this is too fancy, Santana? I don't want to be overdressed."

Santana smirked, assessing the dress. "Nah, Britt. You'll look stunning no matter what you wear. But maybe save that for prom."

Brittany giggled, nodding. "Good point."

As they continued sorting through their wardrobe options, Santana's phone chimed with a message from Puck, who was also invited to the party. She read it aloud with amusement. "Puck's claiming this party is gonna be the stuff of legends. Apparently, there's a karaoke contest and Rachel's challenging anyone who thinks they can sing better than her."

Brittany laughed, her eyes shining with excitement. "Oh, you know we have to accept that challenge, right? We've got the best duet game in town."

Santana winked, a mischievous grin on her face. "Absolutely. Let Rachel bring the drama, we'll bring the show-stopping performance."

As they finished getting ready, they shared makeup tips and playful banter, the atmosphere buzzing with anticipation.

Brittany leaned over, applying a final touch of lip gloss. "I wonder who else from our class will be there."

Santana nodded, brushing a hint of blush onto her cheeks. "Yeah, it'll be nice to talk with them."

With their makeup complete and their outfits chosen, they took one last look in the mirror and exchanged approving nods.

"You look amazing, Britt," Santana complimented.

Brittany blushed, returning the sentiment. "You're the one who's stunning, Santana."

As they descended the stairs, Pierce greeted them with a knowing smile. "Off to a party, huh? Have a great time, girls."

Brittany grinned. "Thanks, Dad!"

As they headed out, they hopped into Santanas car, excitement bubbling between them. Santana gripped Brittany's hand as she started the engine. "You know, no matter how this night goes, we've got each other. Just like we always do."

As the night wore on, Brittany and Santana arrived at Rachel's house, the sound of music and laughter filling the air. The party was in full swing, with colorful lights and a lively atmosphere. Santana spotted Puck, who waved them over with a sly grin.

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