You're fired

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As Brittany entered the hallway, her eyes immediately locked on Marley, who was leaning against her locker with a look of anticipation. Marley's presence was unmistakable, and it was clear she was waiting for Brittany.

Brittany hesitated for a moment, contemplating the conversation she knew she was about to have. But today, she had a plan, a way to escape the stress that had been plaguing her all week.

She made her way to her locker, quickly changing into the school's long-sleeved gym shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Her mind was focused on what lay ahead, not on the conversation she was avoiding.

With single-minded determination, Brittany entered the boys' locker room, grabbed a football, and headed straight for the pitch. The field lay before her, bathed in the morning sun, and Brittany felt a sense of calm wash over her. It was time to release her frustrations.

Without hesitation, Brittany hurled the football as hard as she could, watching it soar down the length of the pitch. It was a satisfying release, a moment of pure catharsis. She sprinted after the ball, her breaths coming in quick, determined gasps.

Reaching the ball, she prepared for another throw. This time, as she released it, the football flew even further than before, leaving Brittany both surprised and exhilarated. She raced after it, feeling the wind whip through her hair and the adrenaline course through her veins.

Just as she bent down to retrieve the ball, she heard Marley's voice, faint at first and then growing more insistent. Brittany groaned and reluctantly turned to see Marley approaching.

Marley offered an alternative, "Who says we have to go to glee club?" Brittany raised an eyebrow, her focus still lingering on the game she was playing with herself.

"Just tell them I'm ill or something," Brittany replied, not yet ready to give up her newfound sanctuary on the pitch. Marley, understanding the need for space, sighed and said, "Okay," before leaving Brittany to continue her ritual of throwing the football.

Brittany watched as Marley walked away and then turned her attention back to the football. With every powerful throw, she felt her frustrations and worries slip away, if only for a little while.

She took a deep breath, gearing up for a powerful throw, but as she wound up, the ball inexplicably slipped through her fingers. She shook her head, not letting it bother her, and bent to pick up the ball.

Her second attempt ended the same way, the ball escaping her grip and landing at her feet. Irritation began to simmer beneath the surface, but Brittany was determined. She picked up the football, her focus intensifying, and released it with force. However, this time it flew behind her, completely missing her intended target.

Brittany's annoyance flared, and she let out a groan. She spun around, picked up the ball, and launched it again, only for it to barely travel a foot before flopping to the ground. Frustration surged through her.

Kicking the ball as hard as she could, it soared above the goalpost, disappearing into the distance. As soon as it hit the ground, Brittany heard a voice behind her.

"Wow," Santana remarked, her tone laced with amusement.

Brittany turned to face her, irritation still evident. "Shouldn't you be at glee club?" she retorted.

Santana quirked an eyebrow and responded, "I could say the same thing about you." Her lips curved into a sly smile.

Brittany rolled her eyes. "I heard they're talking about eating disorders or something," she explained. "What kind of music is there about eating disorders anyway?"

Santana paused, contemplating the question. After a moment, she admitted, "Good point."

Brittany turned fully to Santana and insisted, "I don't need to go. I'm lacking in exercise."

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