Class project

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Brittany entered Santana's house with the familiar sense of warmth and comfort that always accompanied her visits. As she stepped into the living room, her eyes landed on a delightful sight: James' daughter, Mikaela, seated on the floor, playing with colourful toys.

Unable to contain her excitement, Brittany quickly closed the distance between them, her face breaking into a wide grin. "Hey there, Mikaela!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine joy.

Mikaela, with her brown eyes and a grin that could rival the sun, looked up at Brittany. Her tiny voice was filled with happiness as she greeted, "Hi, Britty!"

Brittany's heart melted at the sight of this adorable little girl. She knelt, scooping Mikaela up into her arms and cuddling her close to her chest. Mikaela giggled uncontrollably, her laughter a sweet melody that filled the room.

"I've missed you!" Brittany cooed, planting a gentle kiss on Mikaela's cheek.

Just then, James entered the room. His face lit up with a fond smile as he saw the heartwarming scene between Brittany and his daughter.

He leaned over and gave Mikaela a loving peck on the cheek, eliciting more joyful giggles from the toddler. Then, turning his attention to Brittany, he asked, "Brittany, what brings you here?"

Brittany explained, "Santana texted me and told me to come over."

James nodded knowingly. "Ah, I see. Santana must be up to something," he mused, glancing towards the staircase. "I noticed she went upstairs earlier, carrying an expensive shopping bag."

Brittany nodded appreciatively and, with a gentle smile, offered Mikaela to James. However, James shook his head gently and said, "No need, I'll manage. You go on ahead and find Santana. Thanks for stopping by, Brittany."

With a final grin, Brittany headed up the stairs, holding Mikaela close to her chest.

As Brittany made her way up the stairs, she couldn't help but notice that the atmosphere in Santana's house seemed to have shifted. The soft, sultry notes of The Weeknd's "Earned It" filled the air, emanating from Santana's room. The hallway was dimly lit, and Santana's LED lights cast a sensual red glow that spilt out from beneath the doorframe.

Confused but intrigued, Brittany approached the door to Santana's room, her curiosity piqued by the seductive ambience. She reached for the doorknob but hesitated when she heard Santana's voice calling her name from within, accompanied by a flirty tone that sent shivers down her spine.

"Santana?" Brittany said, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Hold on a sec."

She quickly retraced her steps, rushing to Mikaela's room. Brittany gently placed Mikaela amidst her toys, ensuring the little girl was safe and content before hurrying back to Santana's room.

As she returned to the door, her heart raced with anticipation. Without warning, the door opened the quickly closed, and before Brittany could react, she found herself pushed against it. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt soft, eager lips pressing against her own.

Brittany's initial surprise gave way to delight as she passionately responded to Santana's kiss.
The room's sensual atmosphere, combined with the electrifying chemistry between them, made this unexpected encounter all the more intense and exhilarating.

As the room's intensity deepened, Brittany couldn't help but think that perhaps Santana's text had been a sly invitation all along, and she was more than willing to accept it.

Brittany sat in her math class, mildly bored as Mrs. Riley allowed the students to use their phones during a break. She couldn't resist the temptation and opened TikTok, while her friend Marley scrolled through Instagram.

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