Football tryouts

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Santana and Brittany navigated their separate classes during the last two lessons of the day, longing for the moments when they could be together. Despite being physically apart, their connection remained strong as they exchanged texts about Brittany's upcoming football tryout. Santana's messages were filled with encouragement and excitement, while Brittany's replies conveyed her nervousness and anticipation.

During class the door burst open pulling Brittany's focus away from texting Santana.

Matt dashed into the classroom, a bit breathless from his hurried arrival. He scanned the room for an empty seat, spotting one next to Brittany. With a sheepish smile, he took the seat, exchanging a quick "Sorry" with his teacher. As he settled in, he couldn't help but notice the confident aura that surrounded Brittany.

During a lull in the lesson, Matt leaned over and whispered, "Hey, sorry for barging in like that. Name's Matt."

Brittany turned to him, a friendly grin on her face. "No worries, Matt. I'm Brittany. Nice to meet you."

Their casual introduction sparked a conversation that quickly evolved into a discussion about their shared passion for football. Matt's eyes widened in surprise when he learned that Brittany was trying out as a quarterback. He was intrigued by her dedication and enthusiasm.

"So, you're going for quarterback?" Matt asked, a mix of admiration and curiosity in his voice.

Brittany nodded, her eyes gleaming with determination. "Yeah, at my old school everyone told me how I was the best player and better than the other guys who played."

Impressed, Matt leaned closer. "That's really cool. I've been a football fan for ages, but I've never met a girl who's into playing. You've got my respect."

Brittany chuckled. "Thanks, Matt. It's not always easy, but I love the game. I believe in breaking stereotypes, you know?"

Matt nodded with a big grin on his face. A few seconds later his face light up even more as he suggested how he can help her out during the tryout and she happily accepted.

Matt and Brittany exited their classroom, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow on their faces. As they stepped into the hallway, they spotted Santana leaning casually against the lockers, a confident grin on her lips. Brittany's eyes lit up as she saw her friend, and she eagerly led Matt over to introduce him.

"Matt, this is my friend Santana," Brittany beamed, as Santana looked at him before offering him a faint smile.

"Hi" Santana said, her voice as sounding slightly friendly. Matt returned the smile.

"Santana, Brittany's told me a lot about you," Matt replied with a friendly smile.

Santana arched an eyebrow and shot Brittany a teasing look. "Oh, really? Hope they were all good things."

Matt could easily tell that Brittany liked Santana so he decided to tease her. "She was practically praising you in class," matt said as casually as he can but the sly smirk on his face gave him away, " all I heard was Santana this Santana that." Brittany's face turned red and she bashfully looked at the floor.

Santana and Matt started to laugh at Brittany's obvious blush. " I think we should go to class don't you guys. Yeah thanks for agreeing let's go," Brittany said to get out of that situation as quickly as she can which only made the other two laugh harder when she had to forcibly drag them forward.

The last class went by quickly due to Brittany not focusing on what she was meant to. She could only think about two things which was Santana and football.

As the final school bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Santana eagerly approached Brittany's locker. With a grin, she slung an arm around her new friends shoulders. "Ready for some football action, Britt?"

Brittany shook her head, a doubt in her eyes. "Not really, but I hope I get on the team."

While they were walking to the field Santana spent her whole time convincing Brittany how she is going to do amazing.

The pair made their way to the football field, where Coach Beiste was deep in conversation with a few players. The coach's booming voice echoed across the field, discussing the upcoming season and potential roster changes.

As they approached, Santana cleared her throat, getting Coach Beiste's attention. "Hey, Coach! I want you to meet someone." She gestured to Brittany with a proud smile. "This is my friend, Brittany."

Coach Beiste's eyebrows shot up in surprise as she took in Brittany's appearance. "Well, ain't you a sight for sore eyes," she said in her unmistakable deep country voice. "Pleasure to meet ya, Brittany."

Brittany greeted Coach Beiste with a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you too, Coach Beiste."

The coach's eyebrows furrowed slightly at the unfamiliar accent, but she quickly regained her composure. "So, Santana tells me you're interested in joining the football team, huh?"

Brittany nodded confidently. "Yeah, I played for my old school as the QB."

Coach Beiste's skepticism was evident. "Well, I've never had a girl try out for the team before, let alone as the star quarterback."

Brittany shrugged. "I'm just here to play and show what I can do."

Coach Beiste's eyes glinted with curiosity. "Alright then, let's see what you've got." She gestured towards the field. "Show me your arm, Brittany."

With a determined look, Brittany stepped onto the field. She effortlessly picked up a football and threw it in a tight spiral, sending it sailing across the field with pinpoint accuracy. The players nearby exchanged surprised glances as they watched the ball land in Matt's waiting arms.

Coach Beiste's eyes widened as she clapped her hands together. "Well, I'll be darned! That was quite the throw!"

Brittany's grin widened. "Thanks, Coach!"

Coach Beiste's skepticism melted away as she looked at Brittany in a new light. "You know, we've got Finn Hudson as our current QB, but I'll be honest, he's been struggling lately."

Brittany's eyebrows arched in interest. "Is that so?"

Coach Beiste nodded. "I reckon you might just be what this team needs. I'll have you join in some drills with the guys tomorrow and see how you handle the pressure."

As they walked off the field, Santana couldn't hide her excitement. "Britt, you're gonna rock this!"

Brittany felt her heart flutter as Santana praised her for the rest of the day.

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