The new students

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Brittany's eyes fluttered open to the harsh morning light, her head pounding with each heartbeat. As she attempted to sit up and stretch, sharp stings radiated from her back. Confusion clouded her mind until she took in her surroundings – clothes littered on the floor, the disarrayed sheets, and the undeniable realization that she was completely naked.

Startled, she turned her gaze downward, her heart racing even faster as her eyes locked onto Santana's equally unclothed form clutched onto her side. Panic surged through her, and she quickly jumped out of bed, muttering "Oh my god" repeatedly under her breath. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks.

Her movement caused Santana to stir, her eyes blinking open. She took in the scene, her expression a mix of surprise and realization. "Babe, why are you naked?" Santana's voice was laced with confusion, her eyes widening as she took in the situation.

Brittany's cheeks flushed crimson as she stammered, trying to find her words. "I... I don't know. I woke up like this." Her voice quivered with a mixture of embarrassment and uncertainty.

Santana's gaze dropped to herself, and she suddenly seemed to realize her own state of undress. With a sharp intake of breath, she pulled the covers up to her chest, her eyes wide with shock. The room was filled with an awkward silence, their thoughts racing as they processed the situation they found themselves in.

She turned her gaze to Brittany. The mixture of worry and confusion hung heavy in the air, punctuated by their rapid-fire conversation about their current predicament.

"What are we gonna do, Britt? My mom's gonna kill me if I'm not home soon," Santana rambled, her voice laced with a hint of panic. She shifted on the bed, the sheets slipping from her form as she tried to gather her thoughts.

Brittany's pacing only seemed to intensify, her mind clearly racing through various scenarios. "I don't know, Santana! This is a mess. I can't believe we had sex while drunk," she exclaimed, her frustration evident.

Santana ran a hand through her hair, trying to think despite the pounding headache. "I know, right? This is not how I imagined our first time happening," she replied, a touch of exasperation in her voice.

The morning light cast a revealing glow, highlighting long scratches that adorned Brittany's back. Swallowing hard, Santana pushed aside the sheets and climbed off the bed, drawing the covers with her. The cool air hit her skin, but her focus was entirely on Brittany.

With deliberate steps, Santana closed the distance between them. She gently pulled Brittany to a stop, her fingers grazing the scratches on her back. The touch made Brittany wince, her eyes widening with a mix of pain and surprise.

"Britt," Santana's voice trembled with genuine regret. Her fingers traced the marks she had left.

Brittany looked back at her, her expression a mixture of shock and realization. The room seemed to hold its breath as their gazes locked – two souls caught in a moment that spoke volumes without the need for words. The scratches on Brittany's back were a visual testament to the passion and intensity of their shared night.

Santana's touch lingered on Brittany's back for a moment longer before she slowly pulled her hand away. The silence between them was palpable, charged with emotions that were difficult to put into words. Despite the unexpected nature of their situation, there was an unspoken connection between them, an acknowledgment of the depth of their feelings.

Brittany turned her attention towards her closet, the reality of the morning settling in. The need to move forward, despite the awkwardness, spurred her into action.

"Okay, I need to get dressed for school," Brittany mumbled, more to herself than anyone else. She pulled open the closet door and began rummaging through her clothes, her movements determined as she grabbed items to put on.

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