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Brittany and Marley walked together down the hallway, their laughter echoing as they playfully teased each other. Math class was next, and they figured a bit of lighthearted banter would make the upcoming lesson more bearable.

"Hey, Marley, remember when Jake tried to serenade you in the cafeteria and knocked over that tray of jello?" Brittany grinned, nudging Marley with her elbow.

Marley giggled, her eyes crinkling at the memory. "Oh my gosh, yes! The jello incident. I still can't believe he slipped on it!"

Brittany nudged her back, a playful glint in her eye. "Well, you know what they say, it's the thought that counts. At least he's creative."

Marley rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. "Oh, totally. Who needs a serenade without some flying jello?"

As they continued to trade friendly jabs about their relationships, they reached a point where the teasing escalated. Brittany's comment about Jake's attempts at serenading Marley had a twinge of extra teasing, causing Marley to take action.

She playfully walked in front of Brittany, slapping her cheek with a gentle tap meant in good humor. But her playful gesture led to Brittany having a flashback.

Brittany and Rodrick walked side by side along the path that led to Brittany's house. Laughter and conversation filled the air as they shared stories about their day.

"Hey, Rodrick, I think you should be a bit nicer to Maddison," Brittany said playfully, gently swatting his arm.

Rodrick grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Nicer? Your friend Maddison has a knack for talking about me behind my back. Maybe I should give her a taste of her own medicine."

Brittany shook her head, her expression turning earnest. "Rodrick, come on. Maddison's just looking out for me. She's worried about our relationship."

Rodrick's face darkened slightly, and he glanced away. "Well, maybe she should focus on her own life instead of trying to control ours."

Brittany's eyebrows furrowed as she frowned at him. "She's not trying to control anything. She's my friend, and she cares about me. Just like I care about you."

Rodrick's jaw tightened, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. "Yeah, well, if she's going to talk about me, then I can do the same."

Brittany's eyes flashed with a mix of concern and determination. "Rodrick, that's not fair. Let's not sink to that level. Let's be better than that."

Rodrick's frustration boiled over, his voice growing louder. "Why do you always take her side? Are you even on my side in this relationship?"

Brittany's heart sank at his words. She had never intended for this conversation to escalate, but it seemed like Rodrick was not hearing her perspective at all. She took a step closer to him, her voice gentle but firm. "Rodrick, I'm on both of our sides. I just want us to communicate and support each other."

Rodrick's face contorted with anger, and before Brittany could react, his hand swung out and connected with her face. The force of the impact sent a shockwave of pain through her body, and Brittany stumbled backward, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief.

As quickly as the memory had flooded her mind, it receded, leaving Brittany feeling disoriented and on edge. She flinched involuntarily, her eyes wide with fear.

Marley quickly pulled back, her expression morphing from amusement to concern. "Whoa, Brittany, I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?"

Brittany quickly masked her reaction with a forced smile, her heart still racing slightly. "Oh, no, you're fine! It's just... I thought I saw a spider."

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