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In the bustling confines of their high school algebra class, Quinn couldn't resist the urge to poke fun at her friend Santana as she noticed Santana doodling "Mrs. Brittany Lopez" in her notebook during math class. As the teacher droned on about equations, Quinn leaned over and whispered, "Looks like someone's planning ahead, huh?"

Santana's cheeks turned a shade of pink as she shot a glare at Quinn. "Shut up, Quinn! It's just a stupid doodle."

Quinn raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Oh, come on, Santana. Admit it, you're totally head over heels for Brittany."

Santana rolled her eyes, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Yeah, right. Like you have any room to talk, Miss 'I can't believe I'm pregnant with Puck's baby'."

Quinn's smirk faded, and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Santana's words hit a nerve, and she quickly changed the subject. "Fine, fine. But seriously, you and Brittany? Who would've thought?"

Santana's irritation softened a bit, and she sighed. "I don't know, Quinn. It's just... she makes me happy. And don't you dare tell anyone."

Quinn held up her hands in mock surrender. "Hey, your secret's safe with me. Just remember, teasing you is like my favorite pastime."

Santana finally cracked a smile. "Yeah, well, don't get too used to it. I might have to come up with a few comebacks of my own."

"So did you and Brittany spend more time practicing algebra or practicing being 'more than friends' this weekend?"

Santana's cheeks turned a subtle shade of pink as she shot Quinn a playful glare. "Oh please, Quinn. We were just studying together, unlike some people who can't even solve for 'x' without help."

Quinn smirked, not one to back down. "Well, maybe if you focused on equations as much as you do on Brittany, you'd actually ace the next test."

Santana rolled her eyes, trying to hide her growing amusement. "You're such a nosy gossip, Quinn. But for the record, we did both study and have a great time."

Their banter continued throughout the class, drawing the occasional curious glances from nearby classmates. Santana couldn't help but chuckle, realizing she had no choice but to play along with Quinn's teasing. "Fine, fine. You win, Quinn. I admit, Brittany and I studied some... advanced topics."

Quinn raised an eyebrow. "Advanced topics, huh? Are those the kind of topics you discuss while getting down and dirty?" She suggested with her eyebrows wiggling.

Santana blushed a deep red and cleared her throat. "No we're not there... yet."

Quinn smirked. "What so is it Like Friends with benefits or actually like love?"

"It's definitely not love just yet but not friends with benefits. We actually have a date soon," Santana said with a shy smile while Quinn clapped.

"Wow who knew. Santana Lopez finally going on dates." Earning a playful smack from the Latina.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the class. As they gathered their belongings, Quinn nudged Santana playfully. "Just remember, Mrs. Brittany Lopez. It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

Santana rolled her eyes again but couldn't hide her grin. "You're impossible, Quinn."

And as they walked out of the classroom, the two friends shared a knowing look, their laughter echoing through the hallway.

Santana and Brittany met at their usual spot in the hallway, ready to head to their home economics class together.

"Hey, Santana," Brittany grinned, her blue eyes sparkling. "Ready to whip up some culinary magic?"

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