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During lunchtime at McKinley High, the cafeteria buzzed with excitement as the Glee club members chatted and ate. Puck, always one to create a splash, stood up with a grin on his face.

"Hey, listen up, everyone!" Puck called out, capturing everyone's attention. "I've got some news for you all. I'm throwing a Halloween party, and you're all invited!"

Cheers erupted around the room as Puck's announcement spread through the crowd. Finn, Sam, Mike, Tina, and Matt quickly chimed in, expressing their enthusiasm.

"Man, that sounds awesome!" Finn exclaimed, rubbing his hands together.

"I'm definitely in," Sam agreed, his eyes lighting up.

Mike nodded in agreement. "Yeah, a Halloween party sounds like a blast."

Tina and Matt joined in the chorus of approval, their excitement contagious.

"I've got an idea," Sam piped up to the others, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "What if we go as the Scooby-Doo gang?"

Finn's eyes widened in approval. "Dude, that's a great idea!"

Mike and Matt both nodded in agreement, their smiles showing their enthusiasm for the concept. "Yeah, Scooby-Doo sounds awesome!"

The group's excitement was palpable, but Tina's voice interjected with a note of concern. "Wait, guys, there are two girls in the group. We can't do Scooby-Doo."

Finn, never one to shy away from fun, grinned cheekily. "No worries, Tina. I can totally rock Velma's look."

Laughter rippled through the group at Finn's comment. Mike added with a grin, "Yeah, and with Sam being blonde, he'd make a great Fred."

Sam chuckled and gave Mike a thumbs up. "Totally! I'm down to be Fred."

Matt chimed in, "Well, I guess that leaves me and Mike to decide between Shaggy and Scooby."

Mike and Matt exchanged playful glances, and then turned to face each other. "Rock, paper, scissors," they both chanted in unison.

They played a quick round of rock-paper-scissors, and Mike's scissors defeated Matt's paper. Mike grinned triumphantly. "Looks like I'm Shaggy!"

Matt chuckled and shrugged. "Alright, I'll be Scooby then."

With the roles decided, the group shared a chorus of excitement. "This is going to be so cool!"

Rachel, Quinn, Sugar, Joe, Rory, and Artie voiced their eager participation.

"We're so in!" Rachel exclaimed with a gleam in her eye.

Quinn nodded. "Yeah, this is going to be so much fun."

Sugar chimed in with a grin. "I can't wait to see everyone's costumes!"

Joe, Rory, and Artie added their agreement, excited about the prospect of a Halloween party.

Artie, Joe, Rory, and Sugar huddled together, brainstorming ideas for a group costume that would make a statement at an upcoming event. With laughter and chatter, they tried to decide on the perfect ensemble.

Sugar, known for her quirky suggestions, grinned excitedly. "How about we all go as Oompa Loompas? It'd be so fun!"

The idea was met with a chorus of quick and firm rejections from Artie, Joe, and Rory, who exchanged amused glances. Sugar's bottom lip jutted out into a pout. "Aw, come on! Why not?"

Joe offered an alternative with a playful grin. "How about we go as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?"

Sugar's eyes lit up, and she clapped her hands together. "Oh, I love that idea!"

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