Glee club

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As Brittany and Santana walked to glee club, Santana couldn't resist a mischievous grin. "Hey Britt, did you practice your kangaroo dance moves for the performance?" she teased, imitating an Australian accent.

Brittany playfully rolled her eyes, shooting back, "Well, at least I can dance better than someone who thinks attitude is a substitute for rhythm."

Santana laughed, shaking her head. "Oh please, I've got enough attitude to make up for any lack of rhythm. Besides, your accent is so adorable, I might start calling you 'Aussie Britt'."

Brittany smirked, stopping in her tracks. "Oh, is that so? Well then, 'Sassy Santana', let's see if your attitude can handle a little extra dose of Aussie charm."

Quinn couldn't help but chuckle as she stumbled upon Santana and Brittany engaged in some good-natured banter. The sun cast a warm glow on the trio as they playfully teased Brittany about her Australian accent, with Santana's sassy attitude adding an extra layer of amusement.

"Britt, did your kangaroo teach you that accent?" Santana quipped, a mischievous grin on her face. Brittany playfully rolled her eyes, retorting, "Oh, please, Santana. At least I don't sound like I'm in a constant debate with the dictionary."

Amused by their exchange, Quinn decided to join in. "Yeah, Santana, Britt might have an accent, but at least she doesn't scare away every girl with her 'I'm-better-than-you' glare." She winked at Santana, who shot her a mock glare in return both of them not realising the slip up which left Brittany confused due to Quinn saying girls.

Santana smirked. "Hey, I just have high standards. Unlike someone I know, who has a knack for picking the most questionable dudes."

Quinn laughed, knowing that Santana was referring to her own history of bad relationships. "Alright, alright, guilty as charged. But at least I'm not stuck with someone as demanding as you, Santana."

Santana rolled her eyes and dragged the two blondes to glee club just as mr shue was saying that they have three new members.

"So guys give a warm welcome to Santana Lopez, Quinn Fabray and Brittany Pierce." Mr shue said rather loudly with his weird smile playing at his face as the trio stepped inside giggling.

Rachel, always striving for the spotlight, spoke up first, her tone sharp, "What are they doing here? This is supposed to be a club for serious performers with real talent."

Finn nodded in agreement, his brow furrowed. "Yeah, we've worked hard to build a strong team. We can't just let anyone join," he said mainly directing it at Brittany.

Brittany scoffs at Finn and Rachel whilst muttering loud enough for everyone to hear, "Your only mad because I'm a better football player then you. "

Santana and Quinn cover their mouths to hide their laughter as Rachel and Finn sit their growing red with anger.


Quinn gives her a dirty look. "Says you hobbit." Which earned her a glare from her ex boyfriend Finn.

"Guys! Yes I can understand your frustration with Quinn and Santana joining glee club but.." the rest of mr shues pep talk got drowned out as Santana leaned into Brittany and whispered with a look of annoyance on her face, "See what I told you about pep talks." Earning a snicker from Brittany.

"Quinn, Santana and Brittany take your seats Rachel and Finn has a song to sing to you three" Brittany groaned earning a nudge in her ribs from Santana who had a big smile on her face.

"In a world of twists and turns, my heart took a blow,
She swept in like a storm, with a sneaky undertow.
Took my boyfriend away, left me feeling so low,
But I won't let this darkness be the only thing I know." Rachel sang glaring at Quinn "Yeah, she laughed at my height, and she teased my nose,
But those words won't define me, watch how this story goes." Rachel continued as she moved her glare to Santana.

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