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With Homecoming just around the corner, the girls of the glee club gathered at Marley's house, excitement bubbling in the air. Marley, Sugar, Unique, Lauren, Quinn, Brittany, Tina, Kitty, and Rachel exchanged eager glances as they chatted animatedly about their plans for the upcoming event.

In the midst of their excited chatter, the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of their fashion-savvy friend, Kurt. With his impeccable taste and eye for style, Kurt had graciously offered to play the role of judge and help them choose their Homecoming dresses.

Lauren stood before the mirror, her reflection clad in a puffy yellow dress that seemed to engulf her frame. She couldn't help but let out a self-deprecating chuckle as she remarked, "I feel like a walking yellow meringue pie."

Brittany, never one to miss an opportunity for humor, chimed in with a perfectly serious expression, "Well, I think you look delicious."

The room burst into laughter, the tension momentarily lifting. Amidst the chuckles, Kurt stepped forward, his discerning eye taking in the ensemble. "Ladies, let's remember that dresses aren't designed to make anyone over size 2 look good," he commented diplomatically.

Lauren offered a wry smile, appreciating Kurt's honesty. She knew he was right; not every dress was suitable for every body type. After a thoughtful pause, Kurt continued, "You know, navy is a great color for you. It's slimming and elegant."

Lauren's eyes brightened as she considered the suggestion. The idea of finding a dress that made her feel confident and beautiful was appealing. With newfound determination, she nodded in agreement, her spirits lifted.

When Lauren returned to the room, the girls couldn't contain their excitement. A navy dress hugged her figure, accentuating her curves and enhancing her natural elegance. Cheers and applause erupted, and Kurt's smile was a testament to his successful guidance.

"That's the one," Kurt proclaimed, his voice filled with approval and pride. Lauren's heart swelled with gratitude as she realized that the right dress could truly transform how she felt about herself. With the support of her friends and Kurt's expert advice, she was ready to embrace Homecoming with newfound confidence, and the knowledge that beauty came in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Tina stood in front of the mirror, the dim lighting of the dressing room casting shadows across her figure as she wore a striking black and dark purple gothic dress. The intricate lace details and the dramatic contrast of colors seemed to resonate with her personal style.

Marley, with her gentle smile, was the first to speak up. "Tina, that dress suits you so well. It's like it was made for you."

Unique, known for her flair for the unique, added her agreement. "Absolutely, girl. It's like you and the dress were meant to be."

Kitty, her sharp wit not going unnoticed, chimed in, "Well, it's really emo, but it screams Tina, so I guess that's a win."

Laughter filled the room at Kitty's straightforward comment, and even Tina couldn't help but chuckle. She had always embraced her gothic style and unique taste in fashion, so the comment felt like a nod of approval.

Kurt, with his discerning eye for style, stepped forward and studied Tina's reflection thoughtfully. "You know, Tina, I think this dress is perfect for you. It captures your individuality and showcases your boldness."

Tina's eyes lit up as she met Kurt's gaze in the mirror. She had been uncertain about the dress before, but the combination of compliments from her friends and Kurt's approval made her feel like she was on the right track.

As Tina stood there in the striking gothic dress, she felt a surge of confidence and empowerment. The dress wasn't just fabric and lace; it was a statement, an expression of her true self. With her friends' support and Kurt's seal of approval, Tina was more than ready to rock her unique style at Homecoming, knowing that being true to herself was the most beautiful thing she could be.

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