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Rachel had just stepped out of her classroom, heading toward the bathroom, when she overheard Finn's voice coming from a nearby classroom. He was shushing someone, telling them to be quiet. Curiosity piqued, Rachel approached the door, her heart pounding as she tried to discern what was happening inside.

Then, her ears caught an unmistakable moan, followed by a voice she knew all too well. It was Quinn, and she was saying she couldn't. Panic surged through Rachel as her mind raced to make sense of the sounds she had just heard.

Without thinking, Rachel swung open the door to the classroom, and her worst fears were confirmed. There, in a compromising position, was Finn on top of Quinn. Their faces registered shock and guilt as they scrambled apart.

Finn, his voice trembling, stammered, "It's not what it looks like."

Rachel didn't utter a word. She turned and ran away, tears blurring her vision, her heart shattering into a million pieces.

In her haste, she bumped into Matt, who was walking down the hallway. He saw the distress in her eyes and immediately asked what was wrong.

Tears streaming down her face, Rachel choked out the painful truth, "Finn was making out with Quinn."

Matt's face darkened with anger as he clenched his fists. Without a word, he stormed toward the classroom where he had just heard Rachel's devastating revelation.

Inside, he found Finn hastily putting on his shirt. Without a second thought, Matt delivered a punch to Finn's jaw. It sent a clear message of betrayal and heartbreak. Then, he turned his gaze to Quinn, his expression filled with disappointment and anger as he declared, "We're over."

Santana sat on the piano, engrossed in conversation with Tina, while Brittany gave her longing looks from across the room. Santana couldn't help but steal glances at Brittany now and then, but every time she did, she shot Brittany a glare that made her frown.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Riley sat at the front of the room, announcing that Rachel had a song to sing.

The opening notes of "Gives You Hell" filled the air, and in the background, various voices harmonized in preparation. Rachel stepped forward to begin her performance. "I wake up every evenin'
With a big smile on my face
And it never feels out of place
And you're still probably workin'
At a nine to five pace
I wonder how bad that tastes"

But just as Rachel was about to sing, Santana couldn't resist, and she started singing instead. Rachel shot her a puzzled look, unsure of what was happening. "When you see my face, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell
Now, where's your picket fence, love?
And where's that shiny car?
And did it ever get you far?
You never seemed so tense, love"

However, Santana's voice was strong, and Rachel decided to join in rather than compete. "I've never seen you fall so hard
Do you know where you are?
And truth be told, I miss you (I miss you)
And truth be told, I'm lyin'
When you see my face, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell"

Their voices blended surprisingly well, creating a harmonious duet that captivated the entire room. "When you walk my way, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell
If you find a man that's worth a damn and treats you well
Then he's a fool, you're just as well, hope it gives you hell
Hope it gives you hell
Tomorrow you'll be thinkin' to yourself
Yeah, where'd it all go wrong?
But the list goes on and on"

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