I hate you Sue Sylvester

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Brittany's tears had soaked into Santana's shoulder as she cried, seeking comfort from Santana. Eventually, she pulled away, her eyes red and swollen. Santana gazed at her with deep concern.

"How are you feeling, Britt?" Santana asked gently, her voice filled with empathy.

Brittany's voice trembled as she replied, "I miss Lucas already."

Santana's heart ached for her girlfriend, and she decided to offer a suggestion. "Why don't we get some rest, Britt? You need it."

Brittany nodded tiredly, and they both lay down on the bed. However, instead of Santana cuddling up to Brittany as she usually did, Santana pulled Brittany close to her. Brittany began to pull away, thinking Santana might want some space, but Santana held her even tighter.

"Stay," Santana whispered, her voice filled with a rare vulnerability. "You need this, Britt."

Brittany settled back into Santana's embrace, feeling the warmth and comfort it provided. In the safety of Santana's arms, she gradually drifted off to sleep.

The following morning, Brittany woke up to find the room bathed in soft sunlight. She saw Santana at her vanity, applying makeup while dressed in her Cheerios uniform. Brittany quietly got up, approached Santana from behind, and wrapped her arms around her, planting a gentle kiss on Santana's cheek.

Santana blushed, surprised by the affectionate gesture. "Britt..."

Brittany smiled warmly. "It's okay, Santana. You can go to school. Have fun."

Santana turned to face Brittany, leaning in for a sweet, lingering kiss. "I'll miss you," she whispered, her lips brushing against Brittany's.

"I'll miss you too," Brittany replied, holding Santana's hand before letting her go.

Santana strode into McKinley High School with her usual confidence, her dark hair flowing behind her like a flag of authority. She was known for her sharp wit and even sharper fashion sense, always managing to make a statement with every step she took.

As she entered the bustling hallways, her eyes landed on Becky, who was standing near the entrance, handing out copies of the school's newspaper, "The McKinley Muckraker." Santana couldn't help but smirk; she knew that this publication often contained the juiciest, and sometimes most absurd, gossip about their classmates.

Santana approached Becky, who was grinning like a Cheshire cat as she thrust a copy of the newspaper into Santana's hands. "Get your fresh news, Santana!" Becky chirped.

With a raised eyebrow, Santana took the paper and began to scan the headlines. Her eyes widened as she read the provocative titles. "Blonde Cheerio Might Be Lesbian," "Gleek Dating Someone Double Their Age," and "Popular Footballer in Glee Club Has the Hots for Someone Who Isn't His Girlfriend."

Santana rolled her eyes, unable to suppress a chuckle at the absurdity of it all. She had learned to take these rumors with a grain of salt over the year, knowing that the gossip mill at McKinley High was always in overdrive.

Deciding she'd had enough of the nonsense, Santana crumpled up the newspaper and, without a second thought, pushed it into the hands of a passing student. The startled student started to protest, but before they could utter a word, Santana fixed them with a withering glare.

"Your nose looks like a pyramid," she quipped, her voice dripping with annoyance.

The student's hand instinctively shot up to their nose, as if expecting it had suddenly transformed into an ancient Egyptian monument. Flustered and embarrassed, they quickly retreated, leaving Santana with a satisfied smirk on her face.

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