New quarterback

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Brittany sat in her classroom, trying to focus on her math lesson, when the intercom crackled to life. "Brittany Pierce, please report to Coach Beiste's office immediately," the voice announced. Her heart raced as she wondered what could be so urgent.

With curious eyes following her, Brittany made her way to Coach Beiste's office. The hallway seemed longer than usual, and her mind was filled with a whirlwind of possibilities. As she reached the office door, she took a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in," the familiar deep voice called from inside. Brittany pushed the door open and stepped into the room. Coach Beiste, a formidable figure with a heart of gold, sat behind her desk with a serious expression on her face.

"Take a seat, Brittany," Coach Beiste gestured to a chair in front of her desk. Brittany sat down, her palms slightly sweaty.

"Can we talk about what happened out on the football field yesterday?" Coach Beiste asked gently.

Brittany looked down, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. "I don't know, Coach. Finn just got really mad at me for playing better then him during practice."

Coach Beiste nodded, understanding the situation. "I saw that. Arguments are a common occurrence on the field, and tempers can flare sometimes. But fights like that don't solve anything."

Brittany sighed. "I didn't mean for it to turn into a fight. I was just saying how it's not my fault I'm better then him but he started yelling at me and saying mean things"

Coach Beiste smiled at Brittany reassuringly. "I get it, Brittany. People can react strongly in the heat of the moment. But as athletes and teammates, it's important to find a way to communicate and resolve conflicts without resorting to fighting."

"But you don't want to ruin your chances of staying on the team if you start fights," Coach Beiste said gently making Brittany look to her hands and nod. "But now I've got that out of the way let's move onto the good news." Coach said happily making Brittany's head shoot up curiously.

"Brittany, you know how hard you've been working on the football team, right?"

Brittany nodded, her heart pounding faster.

"Well, I've been watching you closely," Coach Beiste continued. "And I believe it's time for a big change. Starting from the next game, I want you to be our star quarterback."

Brittany's eyes widened in shock. "Wait, really?"

Coach Beiste smiled warmly. "Yes, really! You've got incredible determination, quick thinking, and an impressive arm. I've seen you during practice, and you've got the potential to lead this team to victory."

"But what about Finn coach?"

The coach sighed loudly, "He's no longer the quarterback because we believe it's best for the team. His performance on the field hasn't been consistent, and we need someone who can lead us to victory like you."

Brittany's face broke out into a huge smile as Coach Beiste was telling her. "Thanks."

"Your welcome now it's time for you to go back to class, have a good day Brittany." Getting smiled in return.

Brittany happily approached Santana by their locker. "Hey, Santana," she began. "I have something to tell you."

Santana looked up from her locker, her eyebrow raised in curiosity. "What's up, Britt?"

Brittany grinned, "I'm the new quarterback for the team!"

Santana's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, seriously? That's amazing!"

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