Why isn't your hair wet Santana?

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Santana slowly opened her eyes, the morning sunlight filtering through the curtains. As she became aware of her surroundings, she realized she was in Brittany's bed. It was a cozy and familiar place, with Brittany's arm wrapped around her waist and their bodies pressed together. Santana tried to extricate herself from Brittany's embrace without waking her, feeling the warmth of their connection.

Glancing around the room, Santana spotted her bra on the floor. She silently reached for it, skillfully slipping it on without disturbing Brittany's peaceful slumber. With a careful and practiced ease, she managed to untangle herself from the sheets and Brittany's hold.

Creeping out of bed, she tiptoed to the other side of the room, grabbed her phone. Santana propped herself up against the headboard of Brittany's bed, her eyes fixed on her phone's screen as she opened TikTok. Scrolling through the endless stream of content, she stumbled upon a video from @liliannawilde, and its caption drew her in: 'I'm so sorry we are like this but we can't help it 😭♥️✨.'

The video featured a couple, a guy, and a girl. The guy was visibly excited, smiling, and shaking slightly. The girl seemed equally thrilled as she addressed the camera, "Wanna see the cringiest, most coupley thing ever?"

Santana couldn't help but wonder what she was watching as she kept her eyes glued to the screen.

The girl continued, "This is called a love surge, and we do this when one of us has, like, so much love in our limbs that we can't contain it, and it feels like we're going to explode." The guy in the background was now shaking even more intensely.

"She's kidding, right?" Santana mumbled to herself, growing increasingly perplexed.

The girl leaned back to stand properly and said, "And he is going to wrap around me and..." Without hesitation, the guy wrapped his arms tightly around her and buried his head in her neck, shaking vigorously.

Santana's eyes widened with disbelief. She had never seen anything like this before.

The girl continued, "Shake with the electricity of love until I catch it too and start shaking."

Santana couldn't take it any longer. She blocked out the rest of what they were saying, her face contorted with a mix of confusion and disgust. Without thinking, she turned off her phone and chucked it to the side, where it landed with a thud.

Unbeknownst to Santana, her actions had disturbed Brittany's sleep. Brittany groaned and stirred, muttering, "What the fuck, Santana?"

Santana, lost in her own thoughts and the wall in front of her, paid little attention to Brittany. She stared at the wall with a look of utter disbelief in her eyes.

Growing impatient, Brittany poked Santana's side, saying her name in a groggy voice to get her attention.

She reached out and firmly grabbed Santana's arm, pulling her down into her lap. Santana, startled by the sudden motion, instinctively pulled away from Brittany's grasp, creating a physical distance between them.

Brittany's patience was wearing thin as she questioned Santana, "What's wrong with you?"

Santana blinked at Brittany and let out a sigh. She struggled to put her feelings into words, so instead, she simply shrugged, unable to express the disgust and confusion she felt after watching that peculiar TikTok video.

Brittany, now determined to understand, asked, "What is it?"

Santana hesitated for a moment before answering, "Check my phone."

Brittany nodded and reached for Santana's phone, revealing the lock screen—a sweet picture that Marley had taken of Santana and Brittany, their hands entwined in front of them while they talked, oblivious to the world around them. Brittany couldn't help but smile at the memory.

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