Truths out

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Santana's car pulled up in front of her house, and as she turned off the engine, the delicious aroma of a Spanish dish wafted through the air. Brittany looked around, taking in the surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and excitement.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Santana grinned, her dark eyes sparkling with a hint of playfulness.

Brittany chuckled. "It smells amazing already."

As they stepped inside, the warmth of the house enveloped them, both in terms of temperature and atmosphere. Before they could fully take in their surroundings, a voice called out from the kitchen.

"Santana! You're back, and you've brought company!"

Mirabel, Santana's mom, emerged from the kitchen with a wide smile and open arms. She approached Brittany with an affectionate hug, and Brittany felt an instant warmth in the older woman's embrace.

"Hi, I'm Mirabel," she greeted with genuine warmth. "It's lovely to finally meet you, Brittany."

Brittany returned the smile. "Hi, Mirabel. It's great to meet you too."

As they pulled away from the hug, Mirabel's eyes twinkled mischievously as she turned to Santana. "Well, well, well, look at you, Santana. You finally brought her home."

Santana rolled her eyes, playfully nudging her mom. "Come on, Mom. Don't start."

But Mirabel wasn't easily deterred. She turned her attention to Brittany with an amused grin. "You know, Brittany, my daughter here can't seem to stop talking about you. Non-stop, I tell you."

Santana's eyes widened as she shot a look of mock horror at her mom. "Mom, seriously?"

Mirabel waved off her daughter's protest with a laugh. "Oh, don't mind her. She's just embarrassed that her secret's out."

Santana let out a defeated sigh, while Brittany laughed along. It was clear that Mirabel's teasing was all in good fun.

Mirabel led Brittany to the front room, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. Seated comfortably, she began asking Brittany about her background. "So, Brittany, where were you born?"

Brittany smiled, excitement evident in her voice. "I was born in Miami, Florida. It's a really sunny place!"

Mirabel nodded, intrigued. "And how are your parents? Do you have any siblings?"

Brittany's face lit up as she shared, "My parents are amazing. They've always supported me. And I have a little brother who's the sweetest."

Mirabel's questions continued, delving deeper. "What's your favorite color, Brittany?"

Brittany thought for a moment. "Definitely turquoise. It's so calming and reminds me of the ocean."

As the questions continued, Brittany's enthusiasm never waned. "Oh, and my favorite movie is 'Finding Nemo,' and I really love Britney Spears music!"

Just then, Santana sat in the corner, growing increasingly intrigued yet slightly annoyed as her girlfriend seemed oblivious to her presence. Brittany's eagerness to share seemed to capture all of Mirabel's attention.

Brittany wasn't one to miss an opportunity. "What about you, Mirabel? Where were you born?"

Mirabel smiled, appreciating the engagement. "I was born in New York City, actually. And my favorite color is midnight blue."

Brittany's eyes widened with interest. "Cool! What's your favorite movie and musician?"

Mirabel's eyes twinkled. "I love 'Inception' and I'm a huge fan of Florence + The Machine."

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