Chapter 2: A mothers responsibilities

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Charlie's POV

"Looking good're training a bit hard aren't you though?" A voice made me turn around from the cross trainer I was on.

"Hey Heath...Nah, its all in a days work" I chuckled back.

"How's motherhood treatin' ya?" He asked.

"Good, good...I'm loving it" I put on a smile.

"That's good then. Give the little tyke a kiss from Uncle Heath then" he winked before heading out. I soon finished up before getting changed and walking out into the surf club only to find Marilyn standing outside with a nappy bag over her shoulder and my daughter in a pram.

"Where's Brax?" I asked worried picking up Zoey out of the pram checking her over to see if she was alright.

"Oh he's fine...just upstairs doing some work. I could see he was having a bit of trouble with the little one so I offered to take her off his hands until you finished at the gym. A bar is no environment for a baby anyway" She smiled. I nodded before kissing Zoey's forehead and placing her back in the pram. Rushing upstairs I walked into Heath again before noticing Brax staring at me.

"Um why is our daughter with Marilyn and not you? And why didn't you tell me what was going on?" I asked him rather annoyed that he hadn't told me his plans.

"Look Charlie I'm sorry. I really needed to get some work done. I can't have her here and get work done at the same time. And no offence but you're not're always at the gym, leaving me to handle her. I've got to look after her, look after you and run this joint all at the same time" He explained to me seriously. He was right, I was no help at all. I was useless at the moment.

"You could have at least told me what was going on...I walk out, see Zoey with Marilyn and...I...I thought something had happened to you" I started to get teary at the thought of losing him and raising Zoey alone.

"Oh Charlie" He walked over and pulled me into a hug.

"No it was silly of me...I'm sorry about the gym this morning. I just need to get out sometimes" I broke away from the hug after a few moments and smiled at him.

"You sure everything is alright Charlie?" He placed his hands on my cheeks and wiped away my tears.

"Yeah I'm fine...just hormones" I laughed before kissing his lips gently. "Now...we still on for tonight?" I asked, knowing that he was hanging out for it.

"Of course" he smirked, placing his hands on my waist.

"Good...cause I've missed you and your sexy body" I giggled before placing a rough kiss on his lips, dragging it out before breaking away, leaving him wanting more.

"You better get out of here before I take you on the bar right here, right you go or I'll never get any work done" He smiled, pushing me away, slapping my arse as I walked off. I walked downstairs running into Marilyn again.

"You and Brax sort things out?" She smiled.

"Yeah we did...thanks so much for looking after her. I hope she wasn't too much trouble" I smiled before she handed me the nappy bag.

"No worries...anytime you need a baby sitter, I'm glad to help...I'll see you later Charlie" Marilyn left me with the pram. I walked up towards the diner as I seen the familiar blue police car pull up and park. I had to admit...I missed my job so much and I couldn't wait to go back to work.

"Hey you doing? Wow she's gotten so big since last time you brought her into the station!" Watson, who was acting Sergeant at the time exclaimed as she looked into the pram.

"Yeah...8 weeks now. Time goes fast" I sighed; looking at the uniform I hadn't worn in what felt like forever. We walked into the diner together, only for Leah to smile at me before walking over.

"Hello gorgeous!" She cooed into the pram. "The usual for both of you?" She remembered Watson's coffee order and mine. We both nodded and I sat down. Leah soon gave us the coffees before Watson said her goodbyes and left. "So...I need to talk to you about something Missy!" Leah didn't look impressed. I looked at her confused before she started explaining. "Brax came to talk to me this morning...he's worried about you" She sighed.

"Oh no we just sorted everything out. Everything is fine Leah" I nodded, trying to get her off my case.

"Oh ok...well I know how hard it is to be a new mum so if you every need to talk or ask me anything just let me know" She smiled before hugging me. I smiled back and nodded before watching her walk off. I looked into the pram to find my daughter staring at me with her blue, grey eyes. I just stared back at her, not exactly knowing what to do. I didn't want to pick her up, I didn't want to hold her. I just wanted to leave her here and go back to the gym or go back to work. I wanted my old life back. The responsibility of being a mother was too much for me to handle. She needed so much more care than Ruby and I couldn't do it.

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