Chapter 12: Facing the problem

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Charlie's POV

I got back to Morag's after my therapy session only to find Ruby and Casey sitting at Morag's table. Ruby looked like she had been crying. Oh Mum" She rushed up to me and burst into tears, hugging me in the process. Hey, sweetheart...please don't cry. I've only just stopped crying, so please don't make me start again" I chuckled, trying to hold back my tears.

"Why didn't you tell me...or Morag or Bianca?" She looked up at me.

"I'm sorry...I thought I would get over it, but it was getting to the stage where I just couldn't cope with Zoey and I as pushing everyone away. I didn't want to lose you or Zoey or Brax" I nodded.

"Brax called earlier actually...he wants you to call him back" Morag nodded.

"I might go do that now if that's alright...why don't you two stay for dinner...I could used more company" I tried to give them a smile before heading into the spare room to make the call. I went down my contacts list and stared at his name. What was I going to say? 'Oh my therapist wanted to talk about you...I think she assumes you're the cause of all my problems' ...I couldn't tell him that! I pressed the number before holding the phone to my ear and listened to it ring a couple of times.

"Hello?" That familiar voice flowed into my ear.

"Hey" I replied back.

"How's Morag's place? I hope she's not giving you too much trouble" He replied awkwardly.

"No it's fine" I answered softly. Silence engulfed the phone as I thought of something to say. "So Casey and Ruby are here...they are staying for dinner" I nodded.

"Ah yeah I rang Rubes and told her you were staying in the city for a bit"

"So I seen the therapist today...she's really nice" I continued, getting to the point.

"Ah yeah" He didn't know what to say...I could tell.

"We talked about you a lot"

"I thought I could feel my ears burning" He chuckled, making me laugh a little. "Hope you didn't tell her anything too bad ay"

"We discussed you and your involvement in my life...that's all" I reassured him.

"Ahh I see...Well Zoey's due for a feed so I should probably go ay. I'll talk to ya soon" He was uncomfortable talking about this and changed the subject.

"Oh ok...well give her a kiss for me. And tell her that I love her and...Brax, I love you" I could feel my lips start to tremble.

"Yeah I love you too" He replied before hanging up on me. Hearing the distant hang up tone in my ear made me burst into tears. I wanted him here with me, but at the same time I needed some space to sort out my head.

Brax's POV

"And tell her that I love her and...Brax, I love you" I could tell she was crying on the other side of the phone. I just wish I was there to make it all ok, but there was nothing I could do now. I had let this all get out of hand! I should have made her get help when I first started noticing the changes in her behavior! Yeah I love you too" I replied before hanging up quickly and throwing my phone across the room. I couldn't handle not being able to fix this! I needed her better and I needed her with me! I got up off the lounge and started throwing stuff across the room! I was so angry! Angry at myself, angry at Charlie, angry at Bianca for calling Sid in the first place! "FUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKK!" I screamed throwing picture frames on the floor along with anything else I could get my hands on. I could hear Zoey crying from her room but I just needed to get my rage out before I seen her. I hadn't felt like this in a very long time and in a way I was glad Charlie wasn't here to see this.

"Woah...Bro stop!" a voice broke me away from my fury as I seen Heath and Bianca standing at the front door in shock!

"Just fuck off and leave me alone!" I screamed at them, pointing out the door for them to get out.

"No!" Heath yelled at me before pushing me away.

"Don't start with me Heath!" I pushed him back.

"Charlie would be here with me if it wasn't for your little girlfriend!" I pointed at Bianca. Heath was starting to get angry and pushing me into a wall. I pushed him back before punching into him. It soon turned into a huge brawl as we fought through the living room.

"BOTH OF YOU STOP IT!" Bianca screamed, making us both stop and look at her. "Brax, she would be miserable and crying if she was here! I was doing what's best for her!" Bianca explained.

"What's best for her is to be here with Zoey and me rather than talking to some stranger about her god damn feelings!" I yelled at Bianca before walking towards her.

"Touch her and I swear I'll kill you!" Heath pulled me back by my shirt.

"Brax look at the state of this place...Charlie is going to come back so much happier and such a better mother...but at the moment your daughter is screaming her little lungs out for some attention from the only parent she has right now!" Bianca alerted me to Zoey's screaming. I walked over and sat on the sofa before sinking my face into my hands.

"Can you please go get her? I'm too angry...I don't want to scare her" I nodded sadly at Bianca before watching her walk up the hallway.

"Mate...just calm down. Bi and I will clean this all up, you just need to calm down ok" Heath explained before picking up a few broken objects off the floor; one of them being the picture Charlie had taken of Zoey and I when she was first born.

"Oh god...what am I doing? Charlie is the one messed up and here I am setting a great example of being a bad parent right here" I sighed, looking at Bianca with Zoey in her arms.

"Here you take her, I'll get the bottle" She gave me a small smile before handing her to me. I looked into her bloodshot blue eyes and blotchy skin as she sucked on her dummy, wanting a feed. Bianca soon handed me the lukewarm bottle before watching me feed my baby.

"Look I can clean up this mess...I'm sorry for causing trouble" I watched as they both had started to clean up.

"Brax its fine...we're nearly done anyway" Bianca smiled. After they were finished they decided I was calm enough to be left alone with Zoey for the night and headed off. I bathed and changed Zoey into a jumpsuit before strapping her into a baby bean bag we got as a gift and placing it on Charlie side of the bed before getting into bed myself. I propped myself up and watched as she looked around, suckling on her dummy.

"Look at're such a big girl now, sleeping in mummy and daddy's bed" I chuckled as she continued looking around the room. "Mummy loves you...I know she does. She just needs to sort a few things out before she can cuddle you again ay" I smiled before kissing her forehead.

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