Chapter 23: Voice of evil

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Charlie's POVt

"When I came in here the window was open and then I seen she was gone" Brax explained to the police as he held me close tight to him. We will find her Charlie!" Watson nodded as she walked out of the nursery with other officers.

"I came as soon as I could!" Casey ran though the door.

"Where's Ruby?" I asked hugging Casey.

"I'm not sure. I left a message on her phone telling her to meet me here" He nodded back. I broke away and looked at Brax before trying to cover up my tears.

"Hey...they are going to find her, don't you worry" He hugged me tightly, kissing my forehead.

"Charlie, Brax, would both of you like to come down to the station while some of my officers sweep the room for prints?" Watson walked back in. We soon arrived down at the station and both Casey and I called Ruby again.

"She should be home by now but it keeps going to message bank" Casey muttered in frustration.

"This is really unlike her, Casey" I was starting to worry about Ruby now as well. I watched as Watson came out of her office and walked over to the front desk, a concerned look upon her face. "What's wrong?" I stood up and followed her.

"Charlie, I don't want to alarm you but Jake Pirovic was released on parole a couple of days ago" Watson explained calmly.

"And you think he would have taken Zoey?!" Brax was starting to get angry.

"Not only Zoey..." Casey's face was white as he put his phone on loud speaker. "I was too busy trying to call Ruby that I forgot I had a voice message"

"Casey...please, help me! Tell Brax and Charlie...its Jake...he's got me....NO, NO PLEASE DON'T HURT HER!"

"Gimme that bitch" A scruffy voice and some screaming was heard before it cut out.

"Oh my god!" I couldn't help but cry. Brax stormed out of the police station angrily.

Brax's POV

Why would Jake do this?! I know he was fucked up in the head, but this was something else. It was like he was out to get me! I called a few of the boys to see if they could head around to Jake's old head quarters to see if there was anything there before heading back inside only to find Charlie sobbing. "Charlie, you need to calm down. He's not stupid...he wouldn't hurt Zoey!" I hugged her and tried to comfort her. "We both know he only wants to get to me" I whispered. But what about Ruby...she hasn't got any insulin with her. He doesn't know she's a diabetic" She continued worrying. The two people that meant the world to both her and I were now out there with a crazy psycho!

"Charlie we're going to search all the hot spots in the national park for any sign of both of them. I want you to stay calm and keep your phones on you" Watson explained.

"I want to come" I stood up.

"So do I" Casey nodded.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I need you both here or you can go home just in case Jake calls. I've got my best officers out there and a few are going to stay here just in case something happens" Watson told us before heading out the door.

"Come on Charlie...let's go home" I took her hand.

"No I want to stay here. I want to be the first to know if they find anything" Charlie was being stubborn. I sighed before sitting down next to her. I could tell by the time that it would be starting to get dark out there and then there would be no chance of finding them until morning.

Watson and the rest of the officers had walked back in early the night before telling us there was nothing they could do until the morning. I decided to take Charlie and Casey home but none of us could sleep. Charlie and I lay in bed holding each other, hoping for a phone call telling us they'd been found, but nothing. "Brax what if they are hurt...or what if Ruby's blood sugars are too low...I don't know when she last took her insulin in the last 24 hours" Charlie kept mumbling.

"Charlie, please try to sleep. We're going to need a lot of energy for the morning" I kissed her forehead.

"I'm so glad I have you here with me at a time like this" She whispered, kissing lips gently. I held her tight to me, not knowing what I'd do without her either. Morning soon came and Charlie, Casey and I were all at the police station nice and early as they were sending out groups to search the national park. Charlie was deep in conversation about where to look when my phone started vibrating in my pocket; caller I.D...Ruby. I walked outside of the police station and away from everyone before answering it.

"Rubes? Ruby...are you alright?" I spoke quickly.

"Hello Darryl...fancy hearing your voice on the other end of the phone. Pretty little things your girls are...too bad I couldn't get the whole set. I mean your Mrs would have made a lovely addition to my collection...but I thought, I'd better leave you something to hold on to" The scruffy voice of Jake Pirovic chuckled evilly through the phone.

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