Chapter 24: Lost and found

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Brax's POV

"Where the fuck are they Jake?" I hissed through the phone. Don't worry, they are both safe here with me...I mean the older one is a bit quiet but your beautiful baby girl is crying away, looks so much like her mother she does." He chuckled. I could hear Zoey crying in the background. Jake, Ruby's a diabetic, if she doesn't get her medication soon she will die!" I tried to reason with him. Do you really think I give a shit?! My brother is dead because of you lot and you think that I give a shit about your family. If you have a problem with it Braxton come and meet me pigs up at Racers know the spot!" He snapped before hanging up. Our old hang out as a kid. It was just an abandoned old warehouse but as a kid we thought it was our secret hide out away from our parents. I walked inside only to find Charlie staring at me.

"Who was that?" She questioned concerned.

" know what I'm going to go out and check out a few places that I know of around Mangrove River. I'll call you later yeah" I brushed past her and back out the door towards my car. I was going to find that son of a bitch and I was going to kill him!

Charlie's POV

I watched as Brax walked in from the phone call he had taken only to notice he was even more tense than before. "Who was that?" I asked quickly. know what I'm going to go out and check out a few places that I know of around Mangrove River. I'll call you later yeah" He didn't even look me in the eye before storming out. I knew him too well to know that he was hiding something. As soon as he was gone I looked at Casey who was thinking the exact same thing as me.

"Watson, I have a feeling Brax knows where they are, but I can't be too sure. I'm going to drive out and follow him. If I need back up I'll call for it" I told her quickly.

"I'm coming!" Casey stood up.

"No! Stay here Case...I don't want you anywhere near there!" I told him seriously.

"Charlie I don't think this is a good idea!" Watson sighed.

"Well my daughters are out there and my gut is telling me that Brax knows exactly where to find them...look after him!" I pointed at Casey before rushing out towards Ruby's car. I managed to catch up to Brax but still keep a far distance so he didn't know it was me. I followed him out towards the back of Mangrove River and towards a part of the national park that I didn't recognise. "Where is he going?" I mumbled to myself before I seen Brax pull up to an old warehouse in the distance. I stopped the car far enough away so that I could see Brax hop out of the car looking more angry than I had ever seen him. I watched as he walked inside before getting out of the car and walking over towards his ute. As I got closer around the back I noticed a blue falcon parked next to the shed and the familiar echoed sound of a baby crying from inside the warehouse. Jake was here. I picked up the phone and called the station. "Watson, it's Charlie. I've located Jake and the girls. They are in a warehouse on the edge of the national park closer to Mangrove River, if you take Forrest road through the back of Mangrove river then when you get to Ashgum drive keep going until you get to the back entrance and you'll see my car if you drive further along. Brax has already gone inside and I want you to bring an ambulance for Ruby" I rushed to talk to her.

"Ok Charlie, we're on our way, just stay outside, don't go in there until we arrive!" Watson said quickly before hanging up. How could I stand out here and listen to my baby cry and not be able to do anything. I took my gut feeling before creeping around to the entrance and peering in through a rusted hole in the corrugated iron walls. There I seen Brax and Jake smirking at each other before noticing Ruby unconscious in a chair and Zoey, crying, in an open sports bag on the floor.

Brax's POV

I was determined to find my girls and bring them home safely, killing Jake in the process. I sped towards Mangrove River and towards the national park before stumbling across the old warehouse we used to play in when we were kids As we got older we used it for parties and drugs and anything else we could think of. I walked inside and seen a smug looking Jake standing there with a flick knife in his hand, feeling the blade before noticing me walking in. I looked over towards Ruby who was tied to a chair unconscious and my poor little Zoey, squirming around in a blanket inside an open sports bag. "Ahh Darryl, its nice of you to show up" Jake smirked at me. Brings back great memories this place doesn't it he chuckled. Yeah like the time where I found you here sleeping with my girlfriend...great times that was" I nodded back sarcastically.

"She was a minx in bed...but I tell you what Tegan was great but your copper girlfriend must be smoking in the bedroom if she's got you settled down and winning number 1 dad awards...who would have thought Daddy Braxton would have such a ring to it" He smirked. I shook my head and smirked right back. "My brother told me how you knocked her up and then left town...hoping to protect her were you?" He chuckled.

"See the difference is, your brother is now dead!" I snapped back.

"And soon your little cherubs will be too!" He walked over towards Ruby and traced the knife against her throat.

"Don't touch her!" I heard screamed as Charlie ran in before Jake stopped and looked at her.

"Oh Buckton...nice of you to join the party!" He chuckled as his eyes lit up upon seeing Charlie.

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