Chapter 8: Head or Heart?

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Heath's POV

After doing the early shift at Angelo's I decided to head down to the beach about midday for a surf. I placed my board on the sand before taking my shirt off and waxing up my board. I could hear a cry from coming from under the beach umbrella just up from me. Confused I put my wax down and walked over. Looking underneath I noticed a couple of towels, a beach bag, magazine and Zoey in a capsule. "Hey Zoey...what are you doing here all by yourself?" I picked up the crying baby and looked around the beach, trying to see Charlie. She was no where. I didn't know whether to be angry or disappointed. Brax and Bianca had told me what had been going on with her and I knew what Brax as going through. "Charlie?" I yelled out hoping she would be just up the beach. Nothing. I looked out towards the water. No, she wouldn't have gone out and just left Zoey here. CHARLIE! I screamed.

Heath...what's going on?" Bianca walked up to me. "Where's Charlie?" She asked quickly, noticing the baby.

"I don't don't think...she's in there, you don't think she'd do that?" I gulped before nodding towards the ocean.

"She's so unpredictable at the moment...I'm going to try calling her, maybe she just went for a walk..."

"And maybe we are wasting time here, when we could be searching in there" I snapped. "I've gotta go tell Brax" I bolting up towards the surf club with Zoey held close to my chest.

Brax's POV

The restaurant was pretty dead today, but it gave me a chance to catch up on some book work. "Heath...what are you...Why have you got Zoey?" I stood up as my brother ran in with my daughter, Bianca close behind him. I found her on the beach...Charlie no where to be seen...I think she's out in the water" Heath practically threw me the baby in anger. "I don't know what type of mind set your fucked up girlfriend is in at the moment, but you don't just leave a baby on the beach!" He yelled.

"I tried calling, but her phone is in her bag" Bianca handed me Charlie's beach bag. I quickly handed Bianca the baby before grabbing my board and running down the stairs. If she was in the water I was going to find her.

"CHARLIE...CHARLIE!" I screamed as I got down towards the sand. "Call the rest of the boys...I want everyone out here looking for her" I yelled at Heath. I ripped off my shirt and ran out into the waves with my board. "CHARLIE!" I needed to find her. Soon enough the rest of the river boys were down here looking for her. I could see Bianca on the balcony of Angelo's with my daughter held to her chest. "Charlie...please be ok" I whispered. "I need you, Zoey needs you" I continued.

"Brax, we've been out here for hours and a storms coming in...I think we better let the surf club know so they can get some boats out here or something" Heath paddled up to me.

"If she's out here, I'm going to find her!" I snapped at my brother.

"Brax, you're exhausted...I'm not going to let Zoey grow up with no parents at all...just come in and let the surf club handle it" He tried to convince me. He was right. Zoey needed me. I got out of the water and sat on the sand, watching as the storm clouds were rolling in. I couldn't be here when they dragged her unconscious body out of the surf. I needed to be with my daughter. I trudged slowly up to Angelo's where Bianca was feeding Zoey.

"Any sign of her?" She asked. I could tell she had been crying.

"Nope...Heath told me to come up here. I should probably call Ruby" I thought of Charlie's oldest daughter and what I was going to say to her. "Bianca why would she do this?" I tried to keep calm but I was angry. I was angry that she had abandoned our daughter, I was angry that I couldn't find her and I was angry at myself for letting things get this far!

"I don't know Brax...she needs help and its not just Charlie you have to think about now...its Zoey as well" Bianca explained before putting Zoey in the capsule and hugging me.

"BRAX! BRAX I CAN'T FIND ZOEY!" A voice suddenly pulled me away and I turned around to see Charlie standing there.

"Where the hell were you?" I ran over and cupped her cheeks with my hands before resting my forehead against hers. I broke away and she looked at me confused before Heath walked in and saw us.


"I'm sorry...I had to made a statement at the police station and I forgot all about Zoey" She tried to explain.

"You forgot your own daughter? You left her sitting on the beach Charlie...anyone could have come and got her, but lucky it was Heath!" Bianca stepped in, starting to get angry. "There is something seriously wrong with you can deny it all you want, but this just proves my need help!" Bianca spat at Charlie.

"Bianca what Charlie does is none of your business!" I tried to stand up for her.

"Oh yeah Brax, well next time Charlie goes m.i.a, don't come begging to me. Like I said, this isn't just about Charlie anymore...this is about your daughter Brax...and do you really trust her with your only daughter?" Bianca pointed at Charlie. I looked back and forth from Bianca to Charlie. I didn't know what to do. Side with my head or side with my heart?

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