Chapter 3: Trapped

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Charlie's POV

I got home from the diner only to find Ruby and Casey home from Uni. "Hey guys, how was your day?" I asked walking through the front door with Zoey in my arms.

"Here let me take her" Casey took her off me as I dropped the nappy bag on the floor.

"Thanks" I sighed in relief as I flopped down on the sofa.

"Uni was a heap of assignments though and a few friends have invited us into the city tonight to go to a concert!" Ruby exclaimed making herself a coffee.

"Oh ok that's good then" I smiled.

"Has she been fed?" Casey looked at Zoey as she squirmed in his arms, on the verge of tears.

"Oh no...I forgot. There is milk in the fridge go right ahead" I told him as he took her in there.

"Also too we have something we want to bring up with you Charlie" Ruby started, smiling at me. "Seeing as we're always in the city at uni or hanging out with friends we were thinking maybe finding a place to rent in there." My face dropped and Ruby knew it. "We'll probably be home on weekends" She nodded.

"And have you discussed this with Brax yet?" I asked as Casey walked out with a now content Zoey, suckling on her bottle.

"Not yet...we've only just thought of it today" Casey replied.

"Well I don't think he'll be happy with the idea" I stood up and went to walk towards the bedroom.

"He won't be happy with it or you won't be happy with it, Charlie?" Ruby caught on. I turned around and looked at her and Case.

"I just don't think you should move out right now" I tried to justify myself.

"Charlie we are both 18, old enough to make our own decisions and think about our future. You have to stop babying've got Zoey for that now" Ruby was starting to get annoyed.

"You know what Ruby...fine, move out! Do what you think is best...but just remember I'm your mother and I am just looking out for you!" I shouted.

"Come on Casey, let's go" Ruby gave me a dirty glare. Casey looked at me apologetic before placing Zoey in my arms and walking out the door with Ruby.

"What was all that about?" A familiar blonde walked into the house. I looked at my best friend, Bianca before shaking my head.

"I honestly don't know" I placed the teat of the bottle in Zoey's mouth. She spat it out before starting to cry. "So you're not hungry now? Make up your mind!" I threw the bottle to the floor before sitting her up and trying to burp her.

"Charlie, calm down." Bianca looked at me in shock before taking Zoey off me and burping her, herself.

"She just a little gassy...aren't you sweetheart" Bianca smiled at my baby. It seemed that everyone was doing a better job at looking after Zoey than I was.

"Is everything ok?" Bianca looked at me worried.

"I'm fine...why do people keep asking me that? I'm fine...did Brax come to talk to you as well?" I asked defensively.

"No Charlie, I've just noticed that ever since Zoey was born you've changed...that's all" She looked concerned.

"Well I'm fine...I'm just tired and hormonal" I tried to smile, but inside I wanted to cry.

"Charlie if you ever need to talk just come and find me or call me and I'll be straight here" Bianca stood up with Zoey before I followed her into the nursery. Bianca put her down in the cot and turned on the baby monitor before looking at me. "Look after her...and yourself" she smiled, hugging me tightly.

"Thanks" I smiled back before watching her leave. Soon enough Zoey was sleeping and I was attempting to make dinner for Brax when he got home and Ruby and Casey, if they even came home.

"Hey...I'm home. How are my two girls?" Brax walked through the front door smiling.

"She's asleep and I am failing at making this eatable...but you bought home pizza...thank god!" I walked out from the kitchen and kissed him. He chuckled before placing it on the table and deepening the kiss.

"You're lucky I work at a restaurant" He broke away before pecking my lips once more and heading into the nursery.

"Look who's awake and ready for a bath" Brax smiled as he bought our now wide awake daughter into the living room. He was so good with her and I could tell they were going to have a very close relationship.

"Before that Brax, there is something I want to talk to you about" I sat down with him on the sofa. "Ruby and Casey told me today they wanted to move out, closer to uni" I told him.

"Yeah they came and seen me as well...they said you weren't very supportive about it" He replied.

"I just don't think now is a very good time...we've got Zoey now and I just want them around" I explained.

"Maybe that's the perfect reason for them to move out...we've got our own family now. Maybe its time they got a place of their own so we can experience this" He suggested. I nodded, not wanting to say that I didn't want them to move out. "Charlie they'll be back'll still get to see them" He smiled before kissing my forehead. "Now stinky here needs a shower and so do to join us?" He asked.

"No thanks" I smiled before kissing his lips gently and heading into the kitchen. I finally had some time to myself. No Brax, no Zoey, no Ruby and no Casey. My mind was at ease and I could breathe and not worry about whether I was doing something wrong. I had been feeling trapped and boxed in since Zoey was 2 weeks old. I just couldn't get the hang of being a mother and not a police officer. I missed my job and the action that came with it. It was like I had given everything up for this one thing. Don't get me wrong, I love my two daughters and Brax, but being stuck at home with a baby...that's not what I was about. Right now the weight had lifted off my shoulders...only if it was for 15 minutes, it was still something.

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