Chapter 26: Stabilise

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Charlie's POV

"Brax...she's not waking up!" I cried out to Brax as I turned and looked. He looked at me before Jake grabbed a hold on his neck and rolled him over so he had complete control of him. I watched Brax try to get out of his strong grip but it was no use; Jake had him right where he wanted him. I seen Jake's eyes find the knife he had earlier before smirking and getting off Brax, dragging him towards the knife. I didn't even have a chance to run for it before Jake had grabbed it and got onto of Brax again. "Noooo!" I screamed as I watched Brax's gorgoues eyes stare at me before turning away in pain as Jake kept stabbing him. "STOP IT!" I yelled before my voice was drowned out by Watson's as she stormed into the warehouse along with the whole of Yabbie Creek Police station.

JAKE PIROVIC DROP THE WEAPON!" She shouted as I sat back, relieved that they had finally got here and everything was going to be ok. Jake looked down at Brax before whispering something in his ear and stabbing him sharply one last time.


I watched as Jake was shot to the ground next to Brax before officers swarmed around them both. "Charlie are you ok?" Watson ran over towards me, grabbing a crying Zoey out of the sports bag. Ruby needs a doctor quick!" I said as several paramedics stormed into the warehouse along with Casey who bolted towards Brax and the officers.

"BRAX!" He screamed before kneeling down next to his brother. I pushed my way between the paramedics and the police officers only to find blood pouring out of Brax's abdomen and Casey's jeans now covered in the blood.

"No...Brax you can't do this to me!" I screamed.

"Charlie, you need to let the paramedics do their job" Officer Stevenson tried to pull me up.

"Brax I need you, please don't do this!" I watched as the paramedics tried to get him onto the gurney and roll him out of the warehouse quickly. I looked at another pair of paramedics zipping up Jake's body in a black bag before looking at Casey, covered in his brother's blood.

"Oh god Casey...everything is going to be ok" I knelt down and hugged him.

"Charlie, you're bleeding" He said blankly.

"I'll be fine!" I helped him up as I looked at paramedics attending to Ruby.

"We're trying to stabilise her before we get her into the ambulance" A paramedic explained as they strapped all types of gadgets and injected her with different kinds of medicines.

"Hey Charlie, the paramedics want to cheek Zoey over, so I'm going to go to the hospital with them. She seems fine, but they just want to double check" Watson had Zoey in her arms.

"There is too much going on here...I don't know what to do!" I was trying to keep it all together, but inside I was dying. I didn't know whether the love of my life was dead or alive, one of my daughters was fighting for her life and my other one was screaming her little lungs out for her mummy. "Casey, go with Watson to the hospital and I'll go with Ruby" I squeezed Casey's hand before he nodded and left with her. I knelt down next to Ruby and held her hand in mine. "I'm not sure if I've lost Brax or not, but I can not lose both of you. Rubes, please come back to us" I whispered, feeling tears stray down my cheeks. After a couple of minutes the paramedics had managed to stabilise her and get a reasonably steady heartbeat. We soon arrived at the hospital. Ruby was rushed off to get fully checked out as I found Casey, Watson and Zoey in a cubical as Sid checked her over. I watched as she smiled and squirmed in Casey's arms.

"She's fine Charlie. Just need a bit of a bath, a feed and I'll give her a nutrients supplement due to the fact she hasn't eaten in a bit. I'll get a nurse to take her up to the ward and clean her up" Sid smiled as he stared at my beautiful baby girl.

"How's Brax?" I asked. She's face changed as he looked at me.

"Brax has been rushed into surgery. He lost a lot of blood, so its not looking good, but I will keep you updated" Sid nodded. "Now I'll go get a nurse to attend to Zoey.

"Sid its fine, I'll take her up. I can't stay down here doing nothing. I need to keep my mind on other things" I nodded as I took Zoey from Casey's arms.

"Charlie, let me stitch up that cut first" He nodded towards my arm before getting some sterile supplies. Soon enough my arm was stitched and bandaged and Zoey and I were heading up to the children's ward to bath and feed Zoey. Casey had decided to stay down with Ruby, but I needed to be with Zoey right now.

"Brax is going to make it through this Charlie...I know he will" A voice scared me as I turned to see Bianca standing there. "Casey called us. Heath is down harassing the Doctors about Brax now" She walked in and looked down at Zoey in the bath. "Aren't you cute, you little munchkin" She smiled at my daughter before I got her out, towelled her off and dried her. A nurse had kindly made up a few bottles of formula so I could sit down and feed my baby.

"I just want to see him" I mumbled to Bianca as Zoey scoffed down a bottle.

"And you'll see him soon" Bianca tried to reassure me.

"How can you say that? How do you know if he'll make it or not?" I burst into tears. She wrapped an arm around me as I placed my cheek on her shoulder and continued crying.

"He's a Braxton Charlie...he's been here before and made it, he can do it again" She recalled the last time Brax had been stabbed and when we found out Darcy was Heath's daughter.

"There was nothing I could do Bianca...every time I close my eyes all I see is Jake continually stabbing him, over and over again" I sighed. "There was so much blood"

"Honey, you need to stay positive" Bianca continued to cuddle me.

"Brax is out of surgery!" Heath suddenly rushed in.

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