Chapter 22: Trying to forget

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Casey's POV

After making sure Brax wasn't going to have any more to drink & helping him set up for the lunch shift I headed back home only to find Ruby by herself watching a movie. "Where's Charlie?" I asked curiously. Her and Bianca went out for lunch, they took Zoey with them" She nodded as I sat next to her. Rubes...I'm worried about Brax" I decided to bring up the topic.

"Why, what's up?" She asked concerned.

"Well he told Charlie that he had to go in because the restaurant was busy and he was understaffed. I've just come back from there, they are dead as and he was drinking bourbon at 10.30 in the morning...he hasn't done that since we were in Coffs Harbour" I explained to her.

"So he lied to Charlie....why would he do that? Do you think it has something to do with losing the baby?" Ruby asked.

"Well yeah. He kept saying Charlie is fine...which is true. Its like she's acting like nothing has happened, its like she's relieved that they aren't having this baby" I suggested.

"Look maybe we should give them some space and let them discuss this all themselves. I think we should head back to the city tonight" She nodded.

Charlie's POV

Bianca and I had decided to have a bit of lunch at the diner before heading back home only to walk in on what looked like a serious conversation between Ruby and Casey. "Did we interrupt something?" I asked curiously before walking in and placing Zoey in her bouncer on the living room floor. Um no...actually we were just planning a time when to leave to go back to the city" Casey nodded as they both stood up and headed towards their room.

"Aww you guys don't have to go. Brax and I honestly don't mind if you stay...this is still your home" I smiled at them both.

"Charlie, its fine...I think you and Brax need some space right now" Ruby added before walking out of the room.

"Well hun, I have to go, if my watch is correct I'm going to start ovulating soon, which means Heath better be in bed ready by the time I get home" Bianca chuckled before hugging me. "I'm glad you're ok" She whispered in my ear before leaving. I decided to sit down with Zoey and catch up on some tv shows before watching her fall asleep in my arms. After I put her in her cot she slept for a few hours before waking up in the late afternoon for a feed. Casey and Ruby soon had the car packed and ready to head back to the city.

"Will you look after yourself?" Ruby asked me as I walked out with Zoey on my hip.

"I will...I promise" I chuckled.

Zoey got a kiss off her sister and Uncle Casey before Casey hugged me and whispered in my ear. "I think you and Brax have some stuff to talk about when he gets home" I looked at him confused before he answered. "He might look like he's holding it all together but I don't think he is" Casey nodded before hopping in the car.

It wasn't until 10' o clock that night that Brax walked through the front door. Zoey was already in bed and I was on the lounge wearing one of Brax's plaid shirts to sleep in. "Hey" I smiled at him from the sofa. He walked straight past me and through to the kitchen. I got up and followed him in before watching him poor himself a small glass of bourbon. "Rough day?" I asked. He leaned back on the bench and nodded towards me.

"Come here" He indicated for me to get closer to him. I smiled before walking towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"You ok today?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, honestly Brax" I smiled, before placing my head against his chest. I could feel him nodding before he placed his lips against my hair line. I looked up into his blue, green eyes. "Is there anything you want to talk about?" I asked a bit worried as to what Casey had said to me today,

"No...I'm fine. Just tired" He nodded, pulling away from me and finishing his drink before heading into the hallway to see Zoey.

"Brax..." I stopped him and he turned around. "I lost our baby...don't think that you can't talk to me about it ok" I explained, hoping he would open up.

"Charlie...As long as you are ok, I'm ok" He nodded before heading into Zoey's room.

Brax's POV

The next morning I woke up and fed Zoey before bringing her into the bedroom with me, while Charlie was still sleeping. I was thinking about what Charlie had said to me last night. I just wanted to forget about what had happened to us and forget about what she had said. We didn't need to talk about anything. I just wanted to push it out of my mind. Charlie soon awoke and noticed Zoey cuddled up to my chest before smiling. "You are so good with her" Charlie kissed my cheek before stroking Zoey's. You take her, I have to get ready for work" I handed my daughter to Charlie before hopping out of bed.

"Can't you just stay home today...maybe we could talk about things?" Charlie suggested.

"Nah, busy day today. Got several bookings" I took off my boxer briefs and put on a new pair before jumping into a clean pair of jeans. "I'll see you this arvo" I kissed Charlie before slipping on a shirt and heading out the door. I had this mind set that avoiding Charlie would make things better for both of us. But I wasn't completely lying to Charlie, I did have a busy day today, but I planned on leaving early so that she wouldn't get suspicious.

After setting up the restaurant, 2 work functions, a birthday lunch, working out rosters and sorting out more function bookings for next week, I was knackered and I honestly couldn't wait to get home and see my little girl. It was 3.00 by the time I walked through the front door only to find to house silent. I walked into the bedroom only to find Charlie having a nap, which usually meant Zoey was also having a nap. I walked up the hallway and opened the nursery door only to be hit with a gusty sea breeze coming from the open window. I was quick to close it before my eyes turned towards to empty cot. I looked all over the room before running into Charlie. "CHARLIE...CHARLIE, WAKE UP!" I shook her before she rolled over and looked at me still half asleep.

"What's wrong?" She asked alarmed as she sat up and held onto my arm.

"Where's Zoey?" I tried to calm down. Her blue eyes went wide eyed as she listened to what I had said.

"What do you mean "Where's Zoey"?...I put her down for a sleep...about an hour ago" She looked at her watch. Not exactly the answer I wanted to hear. Charlie quickly got out of bed before rushing into the nursery, with me, hot on her trail. "Where is she Brax?" Charlie burst into tears as we both started to search around the house.

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