Chapter 6: Toxic

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Brax's POV

"Good morning" Charlie walked out of the bedroom with a smile on her face. The first smile I had seen in a very long time.

"Morning...what's got you so happy?" I asked, surprised. She reached up and kissed me before taking a piece of bacon out of the pan.

"Nothing" She poured us both a glass of juice and sat down at the table.

"Zoey's due to be fed...wanna go do it?" I suggested. She stopped chewing and looked at me.

"Um, yeah sure" She got up and walked into the nursery before coming out with our daughter in one arm. She got a bottle out of the fridge before heating it up and sitting down.

"Why didn't you just breast feed her? Less hassle" I was confused.

"I think I'm going to stop breast feeding...just keep her on the bottle" She nodded.

"Why? It's the best thing for her in my opinion" I questioned.

"Well I just don't want to breast feed her anymore...she's happy with the bottle and I'm perfectly fine just using the breast pump ok!" She snapped before handing her to me. "You feed her if you know what's best for her!" She dumped her on me before walking back into the bedroom. And we were back to where we started.

"Charlie!" I called out to her following her in.

"Just leave me alone!" She shouted before throwing a large pillow at Zoey and I. I held Zoey close to me, to protect her, before glaring at Charlie.

"What is wrong with you? She's your own flesh and blood...why can't you see that?" I snapped before grabbing Zoey's nappy bag and leaving the house. I had thought Charlie had started to get better but she hadn't and that house was starting to become toxic for everyone. I put Zoey in the car before heading to the one person I knew I could rely on to sort this mess out.

"Brax...what are you doing here?" Ruby answered the front door of their flat, noticing a sleeping Zoey in the capsule. "What's going on? Where's Charlie?" She asked starting to get worried. She let me inside before I noticed Casey sitting on the sofa.

"Hey Bro, what's happening?" He asked, starting to get concerned.

"Ruby...I need you to go talk to Charlie. Ever since Zoey was born she just isn't herself and everyone has noticed that...including you" I looked into her eyes, that were much like Charlie's.

"I just thought it was her transitioning to motherhood" Ruby sighed, revealing her worries.

"She threw a pillow at me while I was holding Zoey...I know it was only a pillow, but still what if she had grabbed a lamp or something a lot harder...what if she hurt her?" I nodded at the capsule.

"So you left her there by herself?" Ruby went wide eyed.

"What else was I meant to do? I couldn't stay there, Ruby...not that I've got Zoey to think about now" I groaned. Casey patted my shoulder.

"I think you did the right thing" Casey nodded.

"Well I'm going to check if she's alright...I'll call you when I get there" Ruby sighed before grabbing her car keys and walking out.

Ruby's POV

After what Brax had said I was starting to really worry about Mum. She really hadn't been herself and I was starting to worry. After about an hour I finally got to the house and knocked on the door, only to find it open and Charlie on the lounge watching a movie. "Oh hey!" She sat up and smiled at me.

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