Chapter 16: Faith in a test

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2 weeks later

Charlie's POV

Brax and I were still trying to sort things out, but it was easier now that I was back from the city. Bianca had come over to visit after work so we could catch up and chat. "So how's the baby making going?" I asked her with a smirk as we sat down for a coffee. Well at first we thought we'd just have sex all the time which was great don't get me wrong, but I decided to take an ovulation test, I got all these pregnancy vitamins, but its only been 3 weeks so fingers crossed when I take a test in the next few weeks we'll have a winner" She smiled. "Why was it so easy for you?" Bianca sighed. I laughed at her comment.

"It'll happen Bianca. I've seen how good you are with Zoey, you're going to be an amazing mother" I smiled at her.

"Aww...see this is why you're my best friend" She hugged me before looking at her watch. "Ok I'm ovulating in half an hour so I best be off to meet Heath...I'll talk to you later. Love you" She gooed the last bit at Zoey who was in her bouncer on the floor. I picked up Zoey and fed her before rocking her to sleep and placing her in the cot. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed a small box out from under the counter. I didn't have a lot of faith in pregnancy tests seeing the last time I used one was a complete fail, but it was now or never. I still hadn't had my period, but I was also assuming that my period was still irregular since I stopped breastfeeding. What would happen if I was pregnant again? It was way too soon after Zoey! I quickly decided to take the test before waiting the agonising 5 minutes for it to show up.

"Charlie? Where are you?" I heard a voice in the house, quickly throwing out the test before I got a chance to look at the result. I walked into the living room only to find Brax home. "Hey" He smiled pecking my lips before walking into the nursery to look at Zoey.

"Would it be alright if I duck into town? I just need to get out for a little bit. A bit of fresh air" I whispered to Brax as he looked into the cot.

"Yeah that's fine" He nodded. I smiled before kissing his cheek and headed out to the car. I didn't want to lie to Brax, but I had to go to the hospital. I had to know for sure and there was only one way to find out.

"'s nice to see you. Is there anything I can do for you?" I found Sid quite quickly.

"Actually yes there is...I want you to do some tests on me...I think I might be pregnant" I revealed to him. He looked quite alarmed before ushering me into a room.

"I'd be happy to do the is quite soon after Zoey and everything that has happened. I'm assuming this wasn't planned?" He asked as he got some things prepared for an ultrasound.

"No, not at be honest this is the last thing Brax and I need right now. I'm happy with one baby...not sure if I could handle two" I chuckled a little. Sid squirted the gel on my stomach before we both watched the monitor for any sign of life. And there it was. The oh so familiar alien type ultrasound picture that confirmed everything.

"Well I guess this confirms your theory...I'm not an ultrasound technician but from what I know and from what I can see, I'd say you're about 10 weeks along" Sid looked at me. I nodded before leaning back onto the pillow and placing my hands over my face. What was I going to do?

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