Chapter 20: Lost

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Charlie's POV

I opened my eyes slowly, trying to figure out my surroundings before noticing Brax sitting in the arm chair next to the bed, Zoey asleep in the pram next to him. "Hey you" He whispered and looked at me. Hey...can I get some water" I tried to sit up.

" lay back down" He stood up and got me a cup of water and a straw. Sid soon came in and explained that the surgery went well and I just need to be on some antibiotics to rule out any infection. "So Doc, when can she come home?" Brax asked as Sid checked my charts.

"Well I do want her to stay in over night so I can monitor her. That was a nasty bump on the head. You're very lucky Charlie" Sid nodded.

"Yeah...Lucky" I mumbled back, looking down at my flat stomach.

"Oh Charlie...I'm sorry" Sid realised what he had said.

"Honestly Sid, its fine" I smiled at him before nodding. "You and I both know I wasn't ready for another baby" I chuckled back. Sid soon left which left me with Brax. "Why don't you take Zo home? You look like you need some rest." I told Brax as he stared at me.

"No, its fine..."

"Brax, just go...I need some rest. I'm really tired" I told him as I laid back down.

"Ok...I'll see you later then" He nodded with a disappointed look on his face, before kissing my forehead.

Brax's POV

I left the hospital for the second time that day only to find Ruby and Casey had cleaned up the house. "Hey we were just going to head to the hospital to see is she?" Casey asked. Yeah surgery went well. They want her to stay in overnight due to the car accident" I nodded before walking into the nursery to put a sleeping Zoey down. I smiled and looked at my 4 month old baby. Her hair was starting to even out on top and her wisps of what looked like honey blonde were starting to grow through evenly now.

"Its been a big day for her" Ruby came in a whispered.

"Yeah it has" I chuckled. We both just stood there staring at her. "I think she looks like you when you were a baby" I smiled at Ruby, recalling a few photos Charlie had in an old scrapbook of her family.

"You reckon?" Ruby chuckled.

"Yeah...and if she grows up anything like you I'm going to be a very happy Dad!" I chuckled back. Ruby smiled before wrapping her arms around me unexpectedly.

"You're the closest thing I have to a Dad and I want it to stay that way...if anything happens between you and Charlie just promise me you'll always be here" She whispered, still hugging me.

"Rubes, nothing will ever happen between me and Charlie...Ya can't get rid of me that easily ay" I smiled before we both break away.

"Ok well Casey and I might head off to the hospital now...I'll see you later, we're going to stay the night" Ruby nodded before kissing my cheek and walking out the nursery. I heard the front door close before walking into the bedroom in search of Charlie's photo album. I opened her top bedside table drawer only to find an ultrasound photo. I looked at the little figure in the picture and smiled. I wish I had been there for the early stages of Charlie's pregnancy with Zoey. I looked at the date of the picture before realising this wasn't Zoey's ultrasound picture. This was from only a couple of days ago. This was the baby we had lost. I had never known what it was like to lose something you didn't know existed, but from what I knew now, it hurt. It hurt knowing that an innocent life had been taken away from us so quickly and that there was nothing we could have done to stop it. It hurt knowing that Charlie had to get the 'foetus' as they called it taken out of her body, with no heart beat. It just hurt knowing I wasn't there for the early stages of my girlfriend's pregnancy yet again.

I put down the photo before lying on the bed. We should have been more careful when we slept together. And I should have been more supportive of Charlie during he post natal depression. I probably stressed her out causing her to miscarriage. There were so many things racing through my mind right now. I know Charlie said we were ready for another baby but what if I was...what if I wanted that baby?

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