Chapter 19: Wasn't meant to be

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Brax's POV

Watson had let Ruby known straight away and her and Casey were at the hospital as soon as they could get there. The Doctors had cleared Zoey and she was now happily suckling on a bottle in my arms. Why aren't they telling us anything?" Ruby sounded concerned as she sat in the waiting room with me until we heard something about Charlie.

"Ruby...she had a miscarriage" I told her before watching her eyed go wide.

"She was pregnant? Why didn't you guys tell us?" She asked shocked

"I didn't even know Rubes" I shrugged before burping Zoey. Ruby burst into even more tears as I wrapped one arm around her and tried to comfort her.

"Brax, can come in and see her now" Sid soon came in and gave us some relief. We all walked in and seen Charlie sitting back in the bed, the neck brace off and a few butterfly stitches on her forehead. I noticed some bruising around her neck and collarbone from the seatbelt as well.

"Aww Mum!" Ruby ran in and hugged Charlie.

"Hey, Rubes...its ok. I'm ok. Just a bit of a bump on the head" Charlie gave Ruby a small smile. I stood behind Ruby and just looked at Charlie. I still couldn't believe she hadn't told me she was pregnant.

"So Charlie there are a few things we need to discuss. Unfortunately you have had a miscarriage and after doing an ultrasound we have discovered the foetus is still in the uterus which means you can have the surgery to remove it or we can give you drugs to pass the foetus...its entirely up to you" Sid explained to both Charlie and I.

"I'll just have the surgery" Charlie looked at Sid sadly. Sid nodded before writing down a few things and leaving the room.

" you and Case mind just ducking out for a bit...I need to talk to Brax" Charlie looked at Ruby. Ruby and Casey understood and left quickly, leaving just Charlie, Zoey and I. I handed her Zoey before sitting down in the chair next to the bed.

"Are you ok?" I asked her carefully, taking her hand in mine.

"I'll be fine" She nodded, a few tears escaping her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, meaning the pregnancy.

"I don't know...I just didn't think we were ready for another baby and I was scared of what you'd say" She wiped away her tears.

"Charlie I'm so sorry" I kissed her hand. We had lost a baby...a baby that I didn't even know we were having.

"I guess it just wasn't meant to be" She nodded before putting on a brave face. "I wasn't ready for this baby, but I'm not ready to let it go either" She revealed as she looked down at Zoey who was sitting on Charlie's lap, pulling at the cords coming from Charlie service remote.

"Ah ah bubs...none of that!" I picked her up.

"So the doctors said she was fine yeh?" Charlie held her chubby hand.

"Yeah she's a little trooper" I chuckled.

"She just wouldn't stop crying Brax" Charlie shook her head continuing to look into Zoey's grey, blue eyes.

"Ah you mind if I ask you a few questions about the accident?" Watson walked in with another officer.

"Look, do you guys really think now is the right time to be asking her questions. She's just been through a very traumatic..."

"Brax its fine" Charlie cut me off before smiling at Watson. "I was at home, doing housework when I felt cramping in my stomach and I knew something wasn't right with the baby so I grabbed Zoey and put her in the car but she was screaming, she just wouldn't stop crying. So I turned around quickly to see if she was alright and then turned back to the road, but I then looked down and noticed I was bleeding and then all of a sudden I woke up in the car with a neck brace on and Zoey still crying" Charlie explained to Watson. They both wrote down some notes before leaving.

"Charlie do you want me to call Bianca or even Fiona?" I suggested knowing that now more than ever she needed her shrink.

"Brax...I'm fine" She nodded.

"Charlie we're ready to prep you for surgery" Sid soon came back in. Charlie nodded before letting go of Zoey's hand.

"I'll be waiting for you when you get out" I smiled before leaning down and kissing her softly.

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