Chapter 17: Disruption

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Charlie's POV

Charlie would you like me to organise a referral to Doctor Spencer again? Sid brought me back from my day dream. I blinked a couple of times before looking at him. Um no...not for now. I think I need to discuss this with Brax before I decide anything" I nodded before sitting up.

"Well just remember Charlie, if you do want to abort this pregnancy, you've only got roughly a 2 week margin to do so" Sid told me seriously.

"Thanks" I gave him a small smile before leaving. I knew Brax would want this baby, I just knew it. I didn't want to abort this pregnancy, I didn't want to kill the life growing inside of me but I couldn't handle thing; not now anyway. I arrived at home only to find Brax had Zoey in the high and was feeding her. We had recently made the decision to start her on solid food and she was loving it. "Hey baby! What have you go tonight?" I gooed at my gorgeous girl as she hit her hands on the highchair.

"You were gone for like 2 hours. I was going to send out a search party" Brax commented with a chuckle.

"Yeah I just needed some time to think" I smiled before walking over and kissing his cheek. "Actually Brax there is something I need to talk to you about" I nodded and took a deep breath. Yeah sure what.


"hold on just one tick he took out his phone from his pocket before answering it. "Hey...yeah. No worried mate. See ya in 5" He soon hung up. "I'm so sorry, Angelo's is packed and they need it alright if we talk when I get home?" He looked into my eyes. Yeah sure" I smiled.

"Thanks Charlie...I love ya" He chuckled, grabbed his keys and rushed out the door. I sighed before sitting down and looking at my daughter.

"What am I going to do baby?" I asked, wiping some food off her mouth and continuing to feed her. After I bathed Zoey I gave her a bottle before snuggling up on the sofa with her asleep on my chest.

"Charlie...Charlie...wake up" A quiet voice woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes only to find Brax smiling at me. I looked on my chest finding Zoey still sound asleep.

"I must have dozed off" I got up slowly, careful not to disturb my sleeping baby. We both walked into the nursery and put her into the cot before tiptoeing out of the room. I got changed into some pyjamas before hoping into bed, Brax hopping in after me. We hadn't slept together since the awful night before I left for the city but Brax was always trying to put the moves on. I felt the weight shift in the bed as Brax hopped in and wrapped his arms around my waist, placing his hands on my stomach. I quickly pushed his hands away. "Not tonight" I mumbled.

"Ah yeah sure" I heard him reply. I could hear the dismay in his voice. I turned around and faced him.

"I'm sorry... its just that last time we slept together you told me it was just sex and left me here. I cried all night because I thought you didn't love me" I revealed to him, looking into his blue green eyes.

"Aww Charlie...I am so sorry! I love you so so much. You are the first girl I have ever loved and I will never stop loving you" He smiled at me, pulling me close to him. I placed my head on his bare chest as we cuddled and fell asleep. There was still a was I going to tell him about the baby?

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