Chapter 29: Back to normal?

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2 weeks later

Charlie's POV

The doctors had decided to keep Brax in hospital for longer than they thought due to the extent of his injuries and the fact that he was at risk of infection. In the meantime Ruby and Casey had moved back home for a bit; just until they got their life back on track, I had gotten the stitches out of my arm, the police had taken a statement from Brax and everything had been cleared. Zoey was back to her normal happy self and missing Daddy like crazy.

Hey Bub!" Brax grinned I walked into his room with Zoey on my hip. He was sitting in an arm chair by the window, wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants. "How's my baby?" He got up and took her off me.

"Are you sure you can hold her?" I asked, looking at the bandages and stitched wounds on his abdomen.

"Charlie...Its all good" He kissed my check before hopping back onto his bed with Zoey sitting in his lap. "So the doc said that he is going to talk to the nurses and other doctors to see how they think my recovery is going and if all is good, I should be able to come home in the next couple of days" Brax nodded.

"That's great" I nodded back, sitting down in the arm chair.

"What's up?" He could tell something was wrong.

"I've got a follow up appointment tomorrow about the miscarriage...just a bit nervous, that's all" I replied, hoping he would say something. He looked away from me and back at Zoey.

"You are growing up way to fast you rascal!" He laughed at her as she blew raspberries at him. It was like he was ignoring the fact that we lost a baby and we still hadn't talked about it.

"I'm just going to go for a walk" I muttered before leaving the room. I needed him to talk about this with me. I needed him to reassure me that he was ok with it, that he wasn't annoyed or angry about it.

A couple of days later

Brax's POV

The docs had cleared me to come home, as long as I came in once a week until I was all healed. It felt good to be going home, to be able to sleep next to my girlfriend again and know that everything was going to be ok and that no one else in the world could harm my family. Charlie and I drove home in silence. I could tell something was up with her and had been for the past week. "So my doctor said that if we wanted to we could start trying for another baby, now that I'm well after the car accident" Charlie broke the silence. I didn't know what to say. She hadn't wanted the baby she lost, so why would she want another one?

I hope Ruby's baked me a welcome home cake" I looked out the window, wanting to avoid this subject all together. We soon arrived home only to find Ruby had done a baked dinner for all of us as long with a lovely pavlova for dessert. "Well I definitely don't miss the hospital food" I chuckled as Ruby and Casey cleared the table.

"I'm just going to put little miss to bed...she's exhausted" Charlie took Zoey from the high chair, before heating up a bottle and taking her into the nursery. As soon as she was gone I walked over to Casey and Ruby.

"Has Charlie been acting weird lately?" I asked them quietly.

"Not that I know of. Why?" Ruby looked at me concerned.

"Oh no reason" I brushed it off before heading into the nursery.

Charlie's POV

"Has Charlie been acting weird lately?" I could hear Brax asking Ruby and Casey questions. I shook my head and focused on Zoey suckling her bottle as I sat in the rocking chair, nursing her. "Hey, I'm going to head to bed. I'm pretty beat and I want to get some paper work done for the restaurant tomorrow" I heard Brax walk in and looked up to find him leaning on the door frame. Ok, I'll be in there soon" I nodded and watched him walk out. We really needed to talk about everything that had happened over the past 3 weeks because I could feel it was driving a wedge between us. Zoey had finished her bottle and was soon asleep. "Night guys" I called out to Casey and Ruby in the kitchen before heading into the bedroom to find Brax sitting up in bed, reading over some paper work. "I think the work can wait til tomorrow" I chuckled, taking off my shirt, bra and shorts before putting on a short slinky nightie. I turned around to find Brax smirking at me.

"If you can give me a good reason as to why I should put down my work then I'll oblige" He chuckled back.

"Not tonight bub...we're both exhausted" I smiled before leaning over him and pecking his lips before hopping into bed next to him.

"Not even just a tease" he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him.

"I love you, but I'm tired" I smiled, looking into his eyes. He smiled back before we cuddled up together and went to sleep.

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