Chapter 9: Staying sane

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Charlie's POV

I couldn't believe what I was hearing from Bianca, my best friend. She held Zoey tightly as she threw insults around. "You are not her don't you dare go thinking you can get her hands on her I yelled at Bianca as I tried to get my baby off her. You are not fit to be a mother at the moment are mentally unstable, you can't bond with her, you don't tell Brax anything and I am worried about this baby's wellbeing!" Bianca replied. I looked at Brax who was shaking his head.

"Bianca's right Charlie" He sighed. I started shaking my head.

" Brax! I'm fine...I promise I'm fine" I placed my hands on his cheeks and tried to convince him. He pulled away from me and shook his head.

"Lets go home" He grabbed Zoey off Bianca before taking my hand.

"Brax, if you need anything just call me" Bianca yelled out.

"I think you've done enough" Brax nodded before heading down the stairs. Brax put Zoe in the back of my car before opening the passenger door and letting me in. We drove home in silence before getting inside the house. Brax put Zoey down for a sleep and I went in and had a shower, only for Brax to walk in. He stood there staring at me before shaking his head. "You scared me today Charlie. I honestly thought you had gone out into the surf and killed yourself...I started to think about Zoey growing up without a mum, how I was going to tell Ruby what happened and how I was going to live without one should have to go through with that!" He said sternly. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my naked body before staring at him, trying not to cry.

"I'm sorry" I didn't know what else to say. "I'm so sorry Brax...I didn't mean for this to happen" I replied before explaining the full story. After I had told him he sat there nodding.

"You still forgot your daughter Charlie, and that's something I don't know if I can forgive or not" He shook his head before walking away from me. I wasn't going to let him walk away from me again.

"I know what I did was stupid, but I am so sorry Brax" I pulled him back before kissing his lips passionately. He tried to pull away but I wouldn't let him. He soon gave in and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he led me into the bedroom. Dropping me onto the bed I watched as he pulled off his shirt and started undoing his board shorts. He leant over me and pulled off my towel, leaving me lying there naked and more vulnerable than ever. I pulled him down to me and kissed him with force, watching him yank down his board shorts. I felt him enter me before sighing and gripping him tightly. "Brax...I love you" I whispered in his ear as he groaned. His speed intensified, taking my breath away for a few moments. "Oh god...Brax...I'm going to..."

"Uhuh" He gritted his teeth before we groaned in unison, him collapsing on top of me, placing a kiss on my shoulder. He lay there for a few moments before rolling off and lying next to me for a few moments. "I thought making love would fix things...but it didn' was just sex" He got out of bed and put some boxers on before walking out of the room. I couldn't help but release tears silently as I lay there naked, feeling more alone than ever. I was losing him; I was losing the one thing that was keeping me sane.

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