Chapter 10: A cry for help

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Brax's POV

I slept in Casey and Ruby's old room that night. I couldn't face Charlie right now and I knew she wouldn't be getting up to change or feed Zoey tonight. I woke up to Zoey gurgling away in her room before getting out of bed to feed her. After changing her and heating up her bottle I sat on the rocking chair watching her suckle from the bottle, looking at me with her big blue eyes. "I'm worried about your mum Zoey. I'm worried that she's pushing everyone away and that she might do something to hurt herself...or you. But what can I do bubs? I can't even look at her right now...but you look so much like her" I kissed her forehead before taking the empty bottle from her and holding her close to my chest to burp her. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me" I whispered as she had started to drift off.

Bianca's POV

I felt really bad for what I had said to Charlie the day before. It wasn't her fault that she was like this; she was sick and needed help. I decided to go over and apologise for what I had said before going to work. Heath wasn't too impressed though. "Bianca, she left her daughter on the beach for who knows how long...that's not acceptable in my book he snapped at me when I told him my plans. Well she needs a friend right now. She going through something that you and Brax just don't understand. She had a baby growing in her belly for 9 months and suddenly its born and she had no idea what to do...she never got the chance with Ruby and I'm just scared that she won't get the chance with this one" I tried to explain to him.

"What ever" He rolled his eyes as he started to make Darcy's lunch.

"Heath...If we were in the same situation as Charlie and Brax, would you just...give up on me?" I asked him seriously as I walked closer to him.

"Bianca...when we have a baby I will be there for you 110 percent! I know you think Brax and I don't understand what Charlie's going through, but Brax is trying. Its not easy for him seeing her like this...the person Charlie is now, isn't the person he fell in love with...that's all I'm saying" He placed his hands on my shoulders and explained before kissing my forehead.

"I like how you said when we have a baby" I smiled before leaning up and kissing him. He smirked before continuing to make Darcy's lunch. I drove over to Brax and Charlie's place before knocking on the door. No answer. "Hello...Charlie...Brax?" I continued knocking before a shirtless, sleepy looking Brax opened the door.

"Rough night?" I asked, looking at Zoey asleep on his chest.

"You could say that" He let me in.

"How is she?" I asked, before dragging a finger down Zoey's little chubby cheek.

"She only woke up once last night, which is an improvement" He chuckled.

"I meant Charlie" I replied looking at his expression change.

"Ahh, I don't know. Last night we talked and then one thing led to another and basically I told her sex isn't going to fix anything and I slept in Casey's room...I get that she's going through a few things, but I just can't help blame her Bianca...I know that's bad, but I'm angry at her...and I'm not sure when that's going to change" He sighed.

"So you haven't checked on her since you left her alone, upset and naked in your bed?" I tried to keep my calm with him. He nodded before I stormed into their bedroom. "Charlie?" I opened the door before closing it behind me. She wasn't in bed, but sitting beside it, fully clothed, with her knees held to her chest. She looked horrible. "Charlie, you look like you've been crying all night" I sat next to her and wiped away a few stray tears that had fallen on her cheek. She looked at me before bursting into even more tears. "Oh god" I realized she had been. I quickly pulled her into a hug, feeling her arms wrap around me also. "I am so sorry about what I said yesterday! I didn't mean it...I was just worried about Zoey" I apologized, hugging her even tighter.

"I'm sorry too Bianca" Her voice was coarse from crying.

"No, don't be...look, why don't you hop into bed, I'll go get you a nice cup of tea and you can go to sleep yeah" I helped her up and into bed. She nodded.

"I'm so tired Bianca...I'm tired of feeling like this. I just want everything to go back to normal...I want Brax to love me again." She continued crying.

"Aww honey, I'm going to help you get back on track as much as I can" I reassured her before heading out to make her a cup of tea. I closed the bedroom door before looking at Brax. "You broke her! You physically and mentally broke her!" I snapped before storming into the kitchen. "She has been crying all night because she thinks that you don't love her! Well done Brax...hope you're feeling good about yourself!" I couldn't help but hiss at him. He stood there saying nothing. "I'm calling Sid" I shook my head before getting my phone from my handbag.

"Bianca, don't!" Brax tried to stop me.

"She needs help Brax!" I couldn't help but yell. "I can't watch my best friend go through this and sit back doing nothing!"

"And how do you think I feel Bianca! The woman I love is messed up and I don't know how to fix it! I don't know what to do anymore!" He yelled back, waking Zoey.

"Well I'm calling Sid...she needs to talk to someone, cause I don't know how much longer she can take this" I said before making the call. Sid was soon over and was talking to her in the bedroom. I had decided to call in sick for work. Charlie needed me today. Brax had gone in to shower while I looked after Zoey. Sid soon came out and looked at me before Brax also walked out of the bathroom.

"So what's the problem Doc?" Brax asked

"I along with you Bianca, suspect she's suffering from Post Natal Depression, which is very common, considering what she went through with her last pregnancy. But I'm not qualified to diagnose that so I want her to see a friend of mine in the city who is a clinical therapist. I'm going to give her a call now to let her know what's going on."

"NO! If she wants help she'll get it! I'll look after her!" Brax yelled.

"She needs medical help Brax!" I tried to reason with him. He placed his hands on his head as he started pacing. "Brax she's going to need all the support she can get" I explained calmly.

Charlie's POV

I could hear Brax yelling from the bedroom. I know he just wanted what was best for me, but this was it. After talking with Sid I realised I needed to do this for me. If I wanted to fix my relationship with Zoey and Brax this is what needed to happen. I got out of bed and opened the bedroom door only to find Brax looking stressed and Bianca holding Zoey. "Brax I'm going to go see this doctor in the city. I might go stay with Morag for a while. I have to do this if things are going to get better I watched as he stopped and stared at me. I'm sorry ok Charlie...I'm so sorry" He came up and placed his hands on my hips and his forehead against mine.

"Its I'm going to pack a bag and drive into the city" I nodded at Sid. "Thanks for everything...tell your friend I'll be in there soon" I watched as he nodded back before grabbing his things and leaving.

"Charlie I'm driving you in. You're in no fit state to drive" Bianca said as she placed Zoey in her bouncer on the floor before rushing into my room to pack me a bag. I pulled away from Brax before following her in there. Bi look after him while I'm away" I said softly. Bianca just nodded, understanding.

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