Chapter 30: Happy Ending?

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Charlie's POV

I woke up to find Brax wasn't in bed. I got up and walked into the bathroom only to see him cleaning around his stitches in the mirror. "Morning he gave me a small smile. Hey, do you want a hand with that?" I asked see how awkward it was for him.

"Yes please" He chuckled, giving up. I took the antiseptic wipe off him and gently cleaned around his stitches, wondering how much scarring would be left, reminding me of this ordeal.

"All done" I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Well I'm off to work" He put on a button up shirt carefully.

"Already? Hun, I think it's a bit soon. You don't want to over do it" I looked at him.

"Charlie, I'm fine" He tried to reassure me.

"No you're got nearly died!" I tried to keep my cool.

"Charlie, honestly I'm all good!" He justified himself.

"I think maybe you should talk to Fiona...a lot has happened over the passed month or so and we need to talk about this" I told him seriously.

"Charlie, I am not talking to some stranger about my feelings. I'm fine, why won't you get that!" He walked out into the bedroom.

"Because you're not fine Brax! You haven't been since I lost the baby!" I yelled at him. He stopped and looked at me before shaking his head.

"I got stabbed and you want to talk about that...really Charlie?" He chuckled sarcastically, shaking his head.

"We can't keep stepping around this Brax...I lost a baby...I lost our baby and yes it hurt, but we can't just ignore that or it'll eat us up inside. This is eating you up inside!" I shouted.

"Maybe if you actually gave a fuck about losing the baby, then maybe I wouldn't be like this!" He yelled back. A knock was heard at our bedroom door before a voice.

"Charlie, Case and I are going to take Zoey to the two obviously need some time alone, so call us when everything is alright" Ruby's voice was heard. Brax and I just looked at each other before one of us decided to talk.

"I wasn't ready for a baby Brax...after having post natal depression in my past two pregnancies, I was scared about another baby. And I didn't think you would understand hurt losing that baby, but you and I both know I wasn't ready" I shook my head.

"You could have told me about the pregnancy and how you felt rather than hiding it and me finding out because you had a miscarriage" He practically glared at me. "I just couldn't comprehend how you were supposedly fine and I felt like I couldn't grieve because I didn't exactly know what I was grieving about. Its just one thing after another with us, Charlie, you lost the baby, Zoey and Ruby got kidnapped, I got stabbed...I didn't even get the chance to grieve so this is me grieving Charlie, now leave me be for god's sake!" He stormed out of the bedroom and out of the house.

Brax's POV

I needed out of that house, I needed some space from Charlie! I loved her but right now she was getting on my nerves. I was dying to go for a surf right now but no surfing until the stitches were out. I sat on the beach and watched as all my mates were out enjoying the waves. "Mate, how you doing?" Sam ran out of the water and seen me. He had come to visit me in the hospital a couple of times, but we hadn't really spoken. Been better to be honest" I chuckled at him.

"Ahhh, still healing ay?" He sat down next to me.

"Yep and just got a lot on my plate at the moment" I nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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