Chapter 15: Feeling the love

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A week later

Charlie's POV

Brax had let me have Zoey for the day while I went out shopping with Morag before my therapy session. I had started to feel so much closer to Zoey after being so distant from her for so long. I had decided to take Zoey to my therapy session in the hopes that Brax would turn up as well. "And who do we have here?" Fiona gooed at Zoey as I walked in with her on my hip. "Hello Zoey! I've heard so much about you" She continued. "Brax coming?" she looked at me seriously. I shook my head silently before sitting down. "So you are progressing along quite well Charlie and I think you are ready to head home. I'd like to still book you in once a fortnight though, just to see how everything is going and I've also signed you up to a support group closer to home along with a mothers group, to help you socialise with other young mothers and so you are not stuck at home over thinking things Fiona smiled.

That sounds great" I smiled back.

"Charlie she is gorgeous" Fiona couldn't stop smiling at Zoey who was quite content sitting in my arms, sucking on her dummy. Her hair had started to get a bit lighter and her eyes were getting bluer by the day. "I don't think she was the reason you have been distant from her for so long Charlie...look at that face" Fiona continued.

"Yeah I know...I just had this mind set that things would be exactly like they were with Ruby when she was first born" I sighed.

"Your mind created the problem and I know that's hard to admit. Brax leaving and coming back during the pregnancy obviously didn't help" She nodded. " does Brax feel about you seeing me?" She asked.

"I don't think he likes it. He didn't want me to come to the city in the first place. He kept saying that he could look after me...but he couldn't and I didn't expect him to" I replied.

"Did he tell you why he didn't want to come today?" She asked me.

"He said that he doesn't want to talk about his feelings to a complete stranger that's going to 'psychoanalyse' him as he put it" I rolled my eyes.

"I feel this has to do with his've told me some things about him coming from a rough you think you would still love him if he came from a well off family?"

Brax's point of view

I looked at the clock in Charlie's car as I drove into the city. I had decided last minute to go with her to her therapy session. I knew it was what she wanted and I didn't have to say anything to the shrink if I didn't want to. What scared me the most was what Charlie was telling her...stuff that she couldn't tell me. I quickly drove into the carpark of the office building before parking and heading into an elevator. Rushing up to the 2nd floor I got out and headed towards an office door saying 'Dr. F. Lang'. I opened it only to find Charlie with Zoey on her lap, talking to a young blonde woman. I wouldn't change anything about Brax. His childhood has made him who he is today and I love who he is" Charlie smiled before noticing me. I couldn't help but smile also at what she had said.

"Ah, you must be Mr. Braxton...please come in" The blonde woman smiled at me. I nodded before walking in and sitting next to Charlie. She smiled before taking my hand in hers and squeezing it. I leant in and pecked her lips before looking into her eye, taking Zoey off her and watching her smile at me.

"I missed you last night" I chuckled at my daughter before sitting her in my lap.

"It looks like you two have a lot of love for one another. I'm glad you came Brax" The shrink continued smiling at me. "So Brax what I'd like to ask you is... Do you have any regrets about starting a family with Charlie or not?" She asked me. How was I meant to answer that? I looked at Charlie before looking at the doctor.

"Look, Zoey is my life and if it wasn't for Charlie I wouldn't have Zoey or Ruby and they are all major parts of my life and are going to be for the rest of my life...I love them all to bits" I admitting, smiling a little at Charlie. "Starting a family with Charlie, whether it being due to an accident or's the best thing that's happen to me and I have no regrets what so ever" I looking into Charlie blue eyes. She smiled before hugging me gently. After another half an hour of talking, Charlie thanked Fiona for all her time and confirmed her next appointment before I drove her back to Morag's. "So are you ready to come home?" I asked as we walked up the stairs of Morag's apartment.

"I am so ready. I've missed you so so much" She laughed before turning around and kissing me. "Now let me go pack up the rest of my things and we can get going yeah?" She smiled, before walking into her room. I could definitely see the change in Charlie compared to a couple of weeks ago. Obviously there was still a long way to go but we were going to get there.

Charlie's POV

I walked into my room with a smile on my face before packing up a few more of my things and opening my bag to put them in. I placed in my toiletry bag before seeing something that made me think. A pack of tampons...I had been here for 3 weeks and I hadn't needed to use them. Brax and I hadn't used any contraception seeing as I had been breast feeding, but after I stopped breastfeeding my period was back irregular as ever. I brushed it off and tried to stop over thinking things before finishing packing and heading into the living room to meet Brax. "You all packed? Then lets go" He smiled, handing Zoey to me while he took my bag. Morag soon walked out from her office and smiled at us. Thank you so much for having me Morag" I walked up and hugged her gently.

"Any time my dear. Make sure you pop in every time you come for an appointment" Morag replied before looking at Brax. "Mr Braxton...take care of her will you!" Morag said to her sternly.

"Oh I will...Not letting her out of my sight!" He chuckled. We got in the car and headed home. I looked around as we left the city only to find Zoey fast asleep in the car capsule already. I smiled finally realising how blessed I was to have such an amazing family.

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