Chapter 5: A new focus

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A few weeks later

Charlie's POV

Ruby and Casey had found a place in the city and had been gone a few days now. I was still getting use to the fact that they had moved out along with trying to defeat motherhood. "Hey babe...wake up. I'm off to work. I've fed Zoey so she should sleep for a little longer...I'll talk to you this afternoon" I heard Brax's voice whisper in my ear as I opened my eyes slowly. He smiled before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Do you have to go?" I groaned.

"Yeah I do Charlie...I own a business. I can't just abandon it for matter how much I love you" He commented smiling.

"Fine...Well I might pop in and see you later" I groaned.

"Sure...why don't you take Zoey for a walk...take her down the beach or something?" He suggested before leaving. Ah...he had left me with Zoey. I sighed before hearing her mumbling in the baby monitor, making me hop out of bed. I dragged myself into the room and looked down into the huge cot. She was smiling at me. I picked her up and looked into her eyes.

"So its you and me today do you feel about that?" I asked her, taking her into the bathroom and running a bath. She just stared at me blankly. It was like she didn't even recognise me as her mother. "So daddy suggested going to the haven't been to the beach yet...But if you're anything like your father or sister you will" I started to unchange her and placed her in her baby bath seat. She had started to get a bit whingy and restless as I placed her in the water and washed her. "What? The water is fine, you're fed, no nappy...what could possibly be wrong?" I sighed, knowing that the only thing wrong with her was the fact that Brax wasn't here. Soon enough she was clean and changed as was I. I placed her in the pram and headed down into town. "Hey's my little god daughter doing!" We ran into Bianca, watching as she glanced into the pram. "Why don't you use the baby carrier I gave you? Hold her close to you" Bianca asked.

"Not my thing...Brax loves it though" I gave her a small smile. She nodded before picking her up out of the pram. "Bi...I was trying to get her to sleep so I could do a session at the gym" I sighed.

"Oh Charlie give the gym a break today...spend some time with your daughter!" Bianca exclaimed.

"I do spend time with her. I spend every waking minute with her...I just need some time for myself!" I snapped before leaving the pram and running off.

"Charlie!" Bianca tried to call after me but I just kept running. I didn't want to stop. Maybe if I ran away I wouldn't have to face everyone's disappointed faces when I got back! I decided to run along the beach before getting to the heads and stopping, collapsing on the sand. "Charlie, you can't keep doing this to yourself...You have to stop. You have a little girl to think about now" I turned around finding Bianca had caught up.

"Where is Zoey?" I asked.

"I left her with Roo...I think you should talk to someone" Bianca sat down with me and cuddled me.

"I don't want to talk to anyone. I'm fine...I'm just tired and not use to this. I'm use to action and working, not...being a full time mother" I sighed, not only to convince Bianca, but to convince myself as well.

"Have you talked to Brax about this?" She asked gently.

"No...I don't want him to worry" I shook my head.

"Well he is already worried Charlie...he loves you and he doesn't want to see you going through this" She continued.

"I just don't want to disappoint him...this wasn't meant to happen to us and then it did and Brax was gone and then he came back wanting to be a father" I realised I was making no sense to Bianca at all.

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